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03-December-2018 Update

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
In this update we have done changes to skills, items and a major update for the Auction House.

Introducing the new Astral Bike
Astral Bike Card: QW7
Bike is compatible with the website Enchant system.
Bike is compatible with the website Option Remove system.
Bike drops in Forgotten Temple B3F from Legendary Box.​
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Bikes basic stats were buffed
In order for the bikes to compensate with the new gear and the improvement of some of the mobs we decided to buff a bit all the bikes base stats.​
Set effect changes
Reduced the set effect from the items so the set effect will not be a drastically required feature to have a good character.
The original set effect value was divided and added for each set into the 4 body parts so you character will not lose any defense that it had until now.
Overall all all characters will have a defense boost after the upper changes apply.​

Demonite items update
As requested by many of the player we made a difference between the Demonite and Equilibrium items regarding their base stats.
More exactly the body parts and weapon stats were buffed. Defense, Defense Rate, HP, Attack and Magic Attack.
Formula cards update
Amulet of Resist Formular
Property changed from No Drop to Normal
The item is sold now without Account Binding option at the WEXP Shop, Diverse and DP Exchange NPC Peticia​
Fusion Ring Formular
Property changed from No Drop to Normal
The item is sold now without Account Binding option at the WEXP Shop, Diverse​
Demonite Craft Formular
Property changed from No Drop to Normal​
Equilibrium Craft Formular
Property changed from No Drop to Normal
Skills update (values are for the skills at their maximum level)
Bloody Spirit
Defense -60%
Attack +485​
Force Shielder
Shadow Shield
Absorb Damage +36000
Defense +200​
Shield Charge
Changed the condition to cast the skills and cool down time to original ep8 values.
Also removed the Resist Critical Rate effect from it.
Changed the Stun effect to 40% Down chance.​
Reflex Shield
Absorb Damage +10000​
Art of Defense
Defense +3000
Resist Critical DMG+300%
Resist Skill Amp +300%​
Mortal Bane
Defense -65%
Magic Attack +590​
Spirit Shield
Absorb Damage +16000​
Energy Field
Changed the condition to cast the skills and cool down time to original ep8 values.
Stun effect value changed to 60% and duration to 5 seconds.​
Force Archer
Quick Move
Defense Rate UP +6000​
Explosion shot
Changed the condition to cast the skills and cool down time to original ep8 values.
Changed the Stun effect to 50% Down chance.​
Force Blader
Elemental Enchant
Absorb Damage +12000​
Changed the condition to cast the skills and cool down time to original ep8 values.
Also removed the Stun effect from it.​
Vital Interfere
Stun Chance +80% (distributed by 4% each level now)​
General Skills
Doubled the duration.​
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Auction House updated with new item type categories added in the following sections
Amulet of Resist​
Defensive Earring​
Astral Bikes
Astral Bike Card: Crystal PW5
Astral Bike Card: Crystal Crysis
Astral Bike Card: QW7​
Essence Runes
Critical Rate UP​
Upgrade Items
Chaos Core​
Item Option Removers
Enchant Stones
Arcane Golem's Enchant Stones
Minesta's Echant Stones​
Divine Stone
Divine Kit
Redeem Coins (before they were in Quest Items, Mission Items)​
Craft Items
Formula Cards
Temp. Craft - Equilibrium
Temp. Craft - Demonite
Temp. Craft - Amulet of Resist
Temp. Craft - Fusion Ring​
Cores / Jewels
Material Core
Quartz Core
Chaos Guardian Belt Core +1 / +2 / +3
Chaos Fighter Belt Core +1 / +2 / +3
Chaos Sage Belt Core +1 / +2 / +3​
Normal Materials
Divine Stone (Piece)​
Dungeon Entry Items
Mission Dungeons
Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B3F​
Normal Potions
Inexhaustible HP Potion
Inexhaustible MP Potion
Potion of Experience
Potion of Luck
Potion of Courage​
Functional Items
Resurrection / Warp Item
Honorable Circle​
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Amulet of Resist +1
Amulet of Resist +2
Amulet of Resist +3
Amulet of Resist +4
Amulet of Resist +5
Amulet of Resist +6

Earring of Guard +8
Earring of Guard +9
Vampiric Earring +8
Vampiric Earring +9
Defensive Earring +1
Defensive Earring +2
Defensive Earring +3
Defensive Earring +4
Defensive Earring +5
Defensive Earring +6
Defensive Earring +7

Ring of Luck +4
Critical Ring +4
Life Absorb Ring +4
Life Absorb Ring +5
Life Absorb Ring +6
Mana Absorb Ring +4
Mana Absorb Ring +5
Mana Absorb Ring +6

Amulet of Pain +8
Vampiric Amulet +7
Vampiric Amulet +8
Amulet of Battler +10

Bracelet of Sage +8
Bracelet of Sage +9
Bracelet of Fighter +8
Bracelet of Fighter +9
Extortion Bracelet +8
Life Absorb Bracelet +3
Life Absorb Bracelet +4
Life Absorb Bracelet +5
Life Absorb Bracelet +6

Chaos Guardian Belt +1
Chaos Fighter Belt +1
Chaos Sage Belt +1
Chaos Guardian Belt +2
Chaos Fighter Belt +2
Chaos Sage Belt +2
Chaos Guardian Belt +3
Chaos Fighter Belt +3
Chaos Sage Belt +3
Chaos Guardian Belt +4
Chaos Fighter Belt +4
Chaos Sage Belt +4

Chaos Guardian Belt +1 Core
Chaos Fighter Belt +1 Core
Chaos Sage Belt +1 Core
Chaos Guardian Belt +2 Core
Chaos Fighter Belt +2 Core
Chaos Sage Belt +2 Core
Chaos Guardian Belt +3 Core
Chaos Fighter Belt +3 Core
Chaos Sage Belt +3 Core

Equilibrium Craft Formular (All Types)
Demonite Craft Formular (All Types)
Amulet of Resist Formular (+1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6)
Fusion Ring Craft Formular

Inexhaustible HP Potion
Inexhaustible MP Potion
Potion of Experience
Potion of Luck
Potion of Courage
Bluestin Weapons, Armors, Epaulets and Craft Materials
Titanium, Pherystin Weapons, Armors, Epaulets and Craft Materials
Shadowtitanium, Aqua Weapons, Armors, Epaulets and Craft Materials
Osmium, Lapis Weapons, Armors, Epaulets and Craft Materials
It's a pity you have not added yet AXP bb to vote/ecoin shops.
I am happy with changes in AH, it will be easier to buy and sell items now.
Well done!
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