Set welcome title

Set welcome message

Fixed 2 suggestions.

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Car Lover
Professional Enchanter
ima suggest to make chaos set destroyable and if we destroy it we can get min 15 to max 20 cabal gold caps.

also i suggest to make perfect cores exchange able to cabal black caps, it should look like the following:
5 pcm = 1 cabal black
1 pch = 1 cabal black
1 pchh = 5 cabal black
this way the pc. prices won't get even more destroyed and it makes the pc's worthy again ! :)

ima do an edit here:
this was suggested by Kahootz
Add PoH dropable on TG guardians, free looting for all. let them drop PoH with the same amount of hr like ca4, but with a low chance, not that it drops always.
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