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Winter Supporters Event Pass


Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 19, 2014
The World
Greetings Nevarethians!
We are here to present you our newest event, the Winter Supporters Event Pass!


Event Duration:
Until 19th of February, 24:00 (Midnight), Server Time

Event Description:
This time there will be no rankings and the event is transformed into an event pass.
There are a total of 100 tiers available to reach and claim rewards for!
Tier rewards include but are not limited to, highest level charms earrings and bracelets, mythic dragonium items, other item packages, elemental crystals, event specific titles and a lot more!
Along the tier rewards, there are bonuses that players receive in each tier. These bonuses vary from tier to tier and include Premium Service Gold, Main and Bonus eCoins, Force Gems, Master Craftsman Attempts and Wheel of Fortune Spins!
Limited time offers will also available on each tier with even more extras to claim, such as costumes, astral shapes, pets, elemental crystals, gems and more!
These limited offers will sometimes also rotate, so make sure to always check the event pass page, to see the latest extras!
Make sure you keep an eye on the event pass page, because there are not only limited time offers for tiers, but there are also days, when the XP is boosted.

As usually, there are Custom Titles as well in the reward pool.
All players who reach at least tier 15, are eligible for a fully customized, unique title that is only available to them.

And the final reward for reaching tier 100, will be a Unique Weapon!
Fully customizable, you chose a non-seasonal, existing skin and configure the weapon to your taste. See the template below or on the event pass page!

How to gain XP:
  • Any donations made on the website will grant XP.
  • Force Gems purchases on the website will grant XP.
Mystery Boxes:
Due to this year, not launching a dedicated Force Gems Shop category for Cabaliday items, the Cabaliday Stars, the Cabalidays event, Mystery Boxes will be available for purchase on the event pass page. Basically, this will replace the shop variant and introduce a new way of getting even more Cabaliday Stars!
Mystery Boxes have a number of items in them, mainly Cabaliday Stars and they come in multiple stacks!
There are a total of 5 Mystery Boxes:
  • Normal
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary
  • Mythic
To make them more exciting, we also added some extra items in them, the new charms.
Starting with charms upgrade to +3 and up to +7.
Note, that these Mystery Boxes, when purchased with Force Gems, they will also contribute to the tier XP.

Custom Title can be chosen by the player (you can come up with a cool title) but must comply with the Terms and Rules at Cabal World.

Custom Titles can have custom colors, so once the players reach the required tier, they can contact us with their chosen title and color and we will set them accordingly.
Custom Titles will be only available for the player who creates them, and they are account wide.

Unique Weapon will have the stats of 2x one handed or the 1x two handed mythic crafted weapons.

This weapon, just like the forcecalibur, can be equipped on all the classes and display will change accordingly.
Unique Weapon graphical display can be chosen by the player and will be only available for the player who creates it (any existing, non-seasonal display).
Use the template provided below if you are eligible for a Unique Weapon to properly provide all details we need to setup the weapon.

Template (complete this with your own choices for stats and visual, the template below is just to give you an idea of what details we need from you to configure the unique weapons):
Class: **WA**

Visual: Dragonium Greatsword

Stats: Greatsword +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **BL**

Visual: Dragonium Blade + Demonite Blade (you can combine on characters, where it shows 2 different models)

Stats 1: Blade +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Blade +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **WI**

Visual: Dragonium Staff (only the staff will be visible)

Stats 1: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **FA**

Visual: Dragonium Bow (only the bow will be visible)

Stats 1: Crystal +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Crystal +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **FS**

Visual: Dragonium Blade and Demonite Shield (you can combine on characters, where it shows 2 different models)

Stats 1: Blade +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Crystal +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **FB**

Visual: Dragonium Katana (only main weapon will be visible)

Stats 1: Katana +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **GL**

Visual: Dragonium Chakram + Demonite Chakram (you can combine on characters, where it shows 2 different models)

Stats 1: Chakram +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Chakram +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **FG**

Visual: Dragonium Gun (only the gun will be visible)

Stats 1: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Class: **DM**

Visual: Dragonium Spirit, Sickle and Skull (cannot have different display due to the nature of how dark mages work)

Stats 1: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage

Stats 2: Orb +20 with Mythic Crafted Critical Damage and 3 slots Critical Damage
Please choose carefully, these weapons will be created, both visually and stat wise but after there is a cost when changing the stats or visual of these weapons.

Important: Rewards are given for each tier, including bonuses and limited time offers!
You can claim a reward once you reach maximum xp for that tier, so you can claim a total of 100 rewards with the additional bonuses inside and limited time offer extras!

Check your current xp progression and tier live by clicking here!
Final note: The event is now fully automated (excluding custom title and unique weapon) once maxed out your xp, you can claim the rewards!
Roughly how much would it cost to max out the tiers for this event? 🤔 It's beneficial to know if our budget can push through to max it out.
Thank you all for the participation and the support!
I would like to ask all players, who are eligible for the Custom Weapon, to contact me on discord with their custom weapon template so we can discuss about it and implement it before our next update!

Once again, thank you for your support!

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