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Fixed About the new update

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CC shop ration
U should may remove perfect core highest and lost relic weapons fromwebshop and keep them as an event/farmable item so that the market price doesnt drop

Wexp shop
The priece for 60d accesories is way to high in my opion since u can get many permanent ones within the time u need to farm 30.000 wexp

Infinity chaos arena
The stats of the mobs and boss monster are way to low u should increase the stats by x2 or x3 to keep the later waves hard for endgame players
Thank you for the feedback, will be sending this to the Admins if not they might read it themselves. :D
I agree on removing lost relic from the webshop eventhough it's on weekly rotation you should remove it as soon as possible.. I'm sorry to say this but with that specific part of the update it's like you guys are luring players to donate just to get lost relic weapons.
Infinity chaos arena
The stats of the mobs and boss monster are way to low u should increase the stats by x2 or x3 to keep the later waves hard for endgame players
I disagree with this part of the feed back. I have run the dungeon and it is okay the way it is at the moment. The first mobs are easy but the proceeding mobs increase in attack stats making them a challenge for newbies and mid players as for end game players they may find it semi challenging which is okay because how many end game players are there really with end game gear.
I disagree with this part of the feed back. I have run the dungeon and it is okay the way it is at the moment. The first mobs are easy but the proceeding mobs increase in attack stats making them a challenge for newbies and mid players as for end game players they may find it semi challenging which is okay because how many end game players are there really with end game gear.
This part is based on the statemant of noctis that the later waves are supposed to be for endgame players and currently about 1/2 of the servers player have endgame gear
I disagree with this part of the feed back. I have run the dungeon and it is okay the way it is at the moment. The first mobs are easy but the proceeding mobs increase in attack stats making them a challenge for newbies and mid players as for end game players they may find it semi challenging which is okay because how many end game players are there really with end game gear.
pretty much the majority, Infinity chaos is supposed to be The "end game dungeon" and what you're asking for is a mid game dungeon, there are already CA2-4 that fits for mid game players.
I just w8 for the new update but be carefull the update some time will destroy this server.. and the lost relic I agree with them.. That item is one of the special here in this server so who wan that item should w8 for the event. So think about it.
I disagree with this part of the feed back. I have run the dungeon and it is okay the way it is at the moment. The first mobs are easy but the proceeding mobs increase in attack stats making them a challenge for newbies and mid players as for end game players they may find it semi challenging which is okay because how many end game players are there really with end game gear.
Honestly i understand your concerns, but this doesn't mean you will not be able to farm the infinity chaos if you are not endgame, the dungeon is separated in waves with it's own difficulty so it's obvious that the end of the Chaos Arena is supposed to be endgame. you will be able to do the dungeon even when you are not endgame as there are still 'Relic and Legacy chests' but obviously to be able to reach the Legendary Chests you have to be endgame.

NOTE; this is my personal opinion, i ask for respect.
If you disagree comment below to tell me your opinion.
Make the chaos infinity hard then other dungeon that more fun for hunting. I have a diea for this dungeon.. I don't know this good or no but I hope u like this.. Add a infinity ring at the last bos drop to complete the choes gear
Make the chaos infinity hard then other dungeon that more fun for hunting. I have a diea for this dungeon.. I don't know this good or no but I hope u like this.. Add a infinity ring at the last bos drop to complete the choes gear
i don't rly think thats a good idea since it would unbalance the game much more cuz only endgame geared players could get it
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