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Fixed Alternative Drops

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Aspect of Death
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Hello. We need some usable drops, in dungeons like ft2, aft2, eod b3f, except the ring.
This will increase the intrest of gameplay, considerably i might say, because after players drops the rings, they lose all intrest in completing these dungeons again.
This will help the new players on the server achievig the rings easyer.
P.S. -- mergaheph ring drop should be increased considerably (it is easyer to drop a aft2 ring than merga ring, witch dont seem right)
Agree with zetul, as all guild ppl dropped ring organazing party there was decreased and dung became abandoned.

It is good for dp farm, but i see no logic in admin update actions increasing rare elements price, because you disattract players from game, coz ppl have lifes familys other things to do, not nolife in farming dp, aww too far away, but thats another story.. :))
Will be implemented in todays update.
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