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Fixed Angel In White Bug

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There is bug on angel in white costume if u can fix it its only on men look.


  • Cabal(150922-2305-VerC0FFEE-0000).jpg
    296.2 KB · Views: 116
  • Cabal(150922-2305-VerC0FFEE-0001).jpg
    250.3 KB · Views: 116
hey man :) did u read what it says on the costume? "Female characters only"*** :P
So its not a bug ;)
hey man :) did u read what it says on the costume? "Female characters only"*** :p
So its not a bug ;)
It is female only but when he activates it on male (which you should not be able too) male characters still are able to activate it and it becomes ''summer vacation'' look for male only like in the screenshot.

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well you are right noctis, sry i didn't see the 2nd pic but that is a "cool bug" :)) because the costume should not work on males, its a + coz its summer vacation :P
well you are right noctis, sry i didn't see the 2nd pic but that is a "cool bug" :)) because the costume should not work on males, its a + coz its summer vacation :p
No worries, it's all good :P

The admins will fix this let's have patience :P
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