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Acknowledged AoR / Orphidia amulets

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Nov 4, 2016
A bonus that can be added in aFT2 and AC is the addition of “Orphidia Amulet” wich will be the counterpart to “Amulet of Resist” in terms of offensive to defensive powers respectively. Green and purple “Orphidia Amulet” as well as “Amulet of Resist” from +1 to +3 should drop in aFT from Awakened Tyrant chest while Orange “Orphidia Amulet” and “Amulet of Resist” +4/+5 should drop from last chest in AC. Also i think for the orange orphidia amulet to be worth it it needs to have atleast the same MCR like AoP +7 with MCR slot
I can later on add ~stats for Orphidia amulet if needed(and if u guys want i can make it so the amuelt itself doesnt copy how it works in official)
Necretic, Orphidia can only be taken from awakeningHV... but to get it from the other side than the original , it will be a great disappointment for the server...So better add awakeningHV ..or give up this idea.
Wow... a dissapointment for the server... Jesus why are you guys so one sided and want to play a private server as if u play official? Not my fault youre poor af there and u can only dream running aHV there and want to fullfill your desires here... Well too bad cuz im sure they won't add a dungeon simply for 1 amulet wich can be obtained like i mentioned above... How you said that it's like that the way chaos belts and palladium equipment are obtained don't match official so that's a dissapointment too? Tctc...
Thanks for the reply tho but I won't give up on this idea just cuz u said so ;)))
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