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Fixed Astral Bike Type: PW5

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Winged Angela

A Princess with a Shotgun ;)
I have noticed a lot of servers already has PW5. In the Official Server that I have played, I experienced using Astral Bike PW5 because of an Event. Then I have noticed in the cash shop and in the agent shop, there aren't any Astral Bike PW5, so I concluded that we don't have Astral Bike Pw5 in our server yet. We have Astral Bike Blue, Crystal Blue, RW3, Crystal RW3, Blue Flare and Red Flare. What if in the next update, we'll have Astral Bike PW5? We know that Astral Bike PW5 can open a Personal warehouse aside and different from the Warehouse that RW3 can Open. We can despite that effect, since we only need the bike style and speed(Yep, we all know that it is 100ms faster than Rw3). In some of the previous servers that I played, they did the same thing. Well, I think our Developers can make this possible in our server. I know it will take long, maybe in the next two or more updates, but hopefully, this will be implemented in the future(Together with Crystal Pw5, i guess, lol)View attachment 341
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another thread like this was rejected 4 months ago. reason was due to cabalmain limitation
They may have done that but since the client could contain more files than usual now, it may be possible in the future :applausetiger: Maybe in about 2 or 3 updates away:laughing:. Lets hope for the best :heart:
this is a good idea and one more reason for players come to B3F, not only for Tempus Ring xD
this is a good idea and one more reason for players come to B3F, not only for Tempus Ring xD
they should make it dropable in AFI not B3F.
and they should think about some special way to get slots and craft in the pw5 to make players farm for it ;)
they should make it dropable in AFI not B3F.
and they should think about some special way to get slots and craft in the pw5 to make players farm for it ;)
:o in my mind i think it drop in B3F xD
They could do it by replacing another bike :p
Yep, and for my Opinion, the Red Flare and the Blue Flare ones are to be replaced, so those who got Red Flare and Blue flare will have their bikes automatically replaced by PW5 and Crystal PW5(Yeah, if possible). Why the Flare bikes? Because CABAL Online is themed as a Techno-Punk game(According to a forum that I've read) and Red and Blue Flare bikes Don't actually look like Techno Punk, although they look really lovely.
they should make it dropable in AFI not B3F.
and they should think about some special way to get slots and craft in the pw5 to make players farm for it ;)
Speaking of Forbidden Island, our Server haven't got the Awakened Forbidden Island Yet, right? I think this dungeon wouldn't come live here in our server since the Database is crowded by different custom updates that we have, thus the only thing that can insert all of these updates is to remove some of our unneeded files. Basically, those are the first 3 weapon and armor grades, namely, the Normal, Reinforced and Silk/Iron grades.
i like the idea
Red and Blue flare should be replaced, theyre not as fast as rw3
They are actually released because of the Costume "Nevareth Biker". Nevareth Biker Costumes match the red and blue flare appearance. It looks good, but it lacks function. That's why we actually have bikes. To Travel Faster. Other Bike Functions are actually secondary, just like the RW3's Remote Warehouse Opening and PW5's(In Official Servers) Personal Warehouse Opening. :D
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