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Feedback Balance of war

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Jul 3, 2017
My opinion:
I've compared 2 wars. War at 6pm(18) and at 7pm(19)/10pm(22)-server time

So, at 6pm was "ok for me, for blader", becouse my BM2, he worked, ( ~1k-~3k dmg )i dont know or enemy has resists eq.
I used normal skills, and i could kill enemy for "1crit+1nocrit/crit", but i get too ~19k dmg from FB ( no bm/or bm1 FB, me no resists), summary need to kill enemy without bm, use 2 skills(or more), with resists u can longer survive. I suppose it's equal for everyone. Becouse, if you have a resists eq, can fair-fight. You have almost equeal chance to kill, is NOT domination 1 char ( yes, this char is fb), if enemy has better eq, he won, but you can do damage and maybe with lucky kill enemy.
I did not "10 dmg" on this tg.

War 7pm/10pm ( is a same war defense balance )

This is a return to the begining. I do "~1000-3000 dmg" with bm3 on FB(w/o bm fb, idk resists eq ), but if FB use his BM1, i do "FUNNY DMG, 10 OR BELOW" i can be full bm3 with my shorts, but he can kill me with no problems, bm3 vs bm1, but fb has yet bm2 and bm3 xD. Blader bm1 and bm2 is RIP, bm2 i do 10dmg, against enemy blader. Enemy blader was doing "10dmg", where i dont had resists and 20hr title", so ISN NOT WORKING. Regardless shorts/resists etc. BM1 is no comment. FB is god on war especially with bm1. If we know that fb is with bm1, we are escaping, cuz nobody can kill him.

Ok, next. I did fight 1v1, blader versus force shielder. FS was bm2, i was bm2. I think fs was resists and me too. Unfortunately, but i did not record. Fs did ~1-10 dmg on me, and i did too ~1-10dmg. We could not kill ourselves, becouse we have a potions xD So funny fight.

Of course, that i do normal dmg (no bm's/no resists)(possible to fair fight) but agains bl/wi/ maybe fa but this fb is realy realy very strong and impossible to "fair fight"
I know that u are working with "defense balance" but u need opinion players what thinking about it.
Please, check others balance and choose the best one. We want FAIR tg not domination FB's.
Regards :)
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Hello, we will take this as a feedback and will still the stats on war is not finalized yet.

But, please do read the role of each class. Every class has it's own speciality. Lets say,

WI - Have very high damage output, amp buff. Have blink which allows them to kite. Got massive hp regen skills. Stun lock on Bm2.

BL - Have the highest dps which can take down medium guardian so fast. Flee rate buff have been buffed recently to 100% allows them to do damage with full damage set without thinking about any resist. Have a good buff skills which boost alots of damage.

FB - Got Bm1 which its speciality boost all stat, technically only for 1-2 mins. Have debuff skills. High crit rate buff.

FA - High damage output, can be both pk character and pusher. Have very high CDI buff skills. Heal skill allow them to stay alive quite long. Multi target BM2 which is very usefull. Down lock skill when BM1 activate.

WA - Good base damage and defense. Have 100% resist skill. Cat recovery + bear + Bm3 synergy allow them to be a walking "Brick". Very usefull party buff skill.

FS - The highest def among all class. Have art of defense skill which give 2k def allow them to slow down a wave by tanking. Have high CDI and CRI. Good shadow shield which give good protection to wave.

As you can see, each class have it's own unique. WA, FS is very tank and usefull to protect wave or tank for WI so that they can do dmg. You can use a character and have all. Fa can be neutral depends on the situation, they can push or do so pk. Bl can sneakily take medium base with his high dps Bm2. While FB were mean to do PK stuff, debuff unmove, thats show FB is a Killer or assassins. BM1 is FB speciality but do not forget FB has the lowest damage output for PVE.

So I suggest you to choose which role is the best for you. One class can't do the best for everything.

Thank you for you suggestion, the def in nwar will still be tweak until it's final stat.
Maybe you guys need to reconsider adding some more RSA depending on class types Just an opinion :)
It will then break the balance in terms of pvp if adding some rsa depend class type. Some class can deal high damage output, some class have mobility, some class is tank but low in terms of attack. If compare by standing pvp ofcourse some class like WA is OP because have both def and attack. Try freestyle pvp, its fair. The only thing we will focus on atm is def stat on war. After it been finalized then we will try to look on other things. Don't forget we also have to work on new dungeon soon, when the war is done.
war FB>BL in pking, but to get high score, I'm sure BL is better than FB. And also in PVE, BL is much better than FB. So dont complain about it, there is no way it can be balanced in any aspects of the game when u using features of much further parts into an older version of the game.
What will you say about the fight, bl vs fs on bm2. That fight was funny. Maybe, boost bm2. FB can kill guardians, maybe not faster than bl, but can. So, boost guardian with hp/defense?

-Back BM2 to war pvp.
-lower BM1 fb
- Boost HP/DEF guardians S/M/L
As you all know we are working on a solution that will affect only the MW. Resist will affect normal pvp (that has just been balanced).
I agree that in 1v1 in MW the damage is low, (temporary setting) but if it was 7v7 or 15v15 the damage will cumulate and the result would be a fair fight.
If we lower the curent multiply by just 1 grade, the result would be that a WI or FA bm3 skill will kill all ALL players the AoE range with 1 hit.
We're investigating all options and be sure we will set and release a fix that will satisfy the most of the players (some of them are never satisfied).
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