gyrd4fearX Legendary Force Archer Professional Enchanter Registered May 16, 2015 #1 May u please lower the 12 hour Duration of BB +200% and same goes with the price. Probably, 3 Hours / 6 Hours - with a reasonable price. Thanks.
May u please lower the 12 hour Duration of BB +200% and same goes with the price. Probably, 3 Hours / 6 Hours - with a reasonable price. Thanks.
Cykros Staff member Administrator Professional Enchanter Registered May 25, 2015 #2 Yes we may and we will on this week update.
1 100PercentFail Registered May 28, 2015 #4 you need to fix the exp max cape my friend (FA) buy a 200% beat and we go to dragon for lvl up with singel bm was all good 2b exp with bm and aura he become nothing exp
you need to fix the exp max cape my friend (FA) buy a 200% beat and we go to dragon for lvl up with singel bm was all good 2b exp with bm and aura he become nothing exp
Cykros Staff member Administrator Professional Enchanter Registered Jun 2, 2015 #5 The BB were changed to 3 hours and prices were lowered accordingly. They will be implemented in tomorrows server update.
The BB were changed to 3 hours and prices were lowered accordingly. They will be implemented in tomorrows server update.