Set welcome title

Set welcome message

Fixed Bugs???

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1), compensation invalid
2). with as much of a lot of time and effort wasted!

3), Edinburgh, Morse Code? Morse or policy?
1) my character"YOUNGSEBLL" (36 Redeem)
2) All rewards are : Cabal Caps: Black*36psc !!!Portion * 1 Ea !HaHaHa
3) Exchanges : Cabal Caps Gold: 3.6 psc hahahahahaha
4) I will not take this anymore! Much too difficult —

Except the event is item purchases of Chaos R:mad:

We have tested it directly part of the room

All rewards are
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i think its not a bug
most of us experience that too
thats 1 reason why newcomers early get tired of redeeming, theyre getting crap black cap rewards..
i already suggested that black caps should be replaced by Silvers
You can get better rewards from redeem 70 and up if youre a hardcore gamer
but ofc for newcomers, this is not good
Warned for double posting multiple times.
Who? The onus of 60 if the false, but played a distant redeem

* I don't trust.

Amendments. For the sake of a compensation plan New players are disappointed! This might sting a bit.

(Redeem) and it is so simple
You crush a few seconds in (Redeem) do you like?
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Warned for multiple "double posts".

This is not a bug. It is a random reward generator with random items to get, however the rewards might change from time to time to adjust it.
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