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Being Reviewed Cannot Make Score


Former Game Moderator
Professional Enchanter
Sep 13, 2016
Good day ive noticed that if this happens in MWAR

as you can see in the pic
who ever nation gets those two points first

wont have a chance to get score unless the Enemy nation gets the mid first..(because theres mist gates)
it would take alot of time or so, so to preserve the enemies nations points they have no choice but to relog
It's ok as it is, we don't have problem with this at procy ;)
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Ik , but no one cry about this :giggle:
Ik , but no one cry about this :giggle:
A bug is a bug and it needs to be fixed. Who cares about crying. These replies coming from someone who were once a staff members is utterly ridiculous...
A bug is a bug and it needs to be fixed. Who cares about crying. These replies coming from someone who were once a staff members is utterly ridiculous...
yeah , so ridiculous ... :speechless:

btw :wait: , in that time when there is no warp, they can built towers and no one will be kicked or lose pts , they dont need to relog
yeah , so ridiculous ... :speechless:

btw :wait: , in that time when there is no warp, they can built towers and no one will be kicked or lose pts , they dont need to relog
well i know it can be but not all uses alz in MWARs thats why the mwar from 20vs20 became 6vs20 coz people are reloging to save their score
So it's not a bug and tbh it's not expensive to build . And it's izi to earn alz ..
All bugs got workarounds and its shouldnt be done using workarounds only.. bugs should be fixed..
and idk honestly why you are trolling in my post?

one nation cant take both points bcs gate is stoping them ,
after taking E2 you must go to center , there is no way to skip it and proceed to W2 untill oposite nation kill W2 .
View attachment 10058
one nation cant take both points bcs gate is stoping them ,
after taking E2 you must go to center , there is no way to skip it and proceed to W2 untill oposite nation kill W2 .
The scenario is its our base first and was taken skipping the center. when we fight at the center we lose..
so they focus on th W spot.. and after they took it the gates are not disappearing since center isnt taken yet.
The scenario is its our base first and was taken skipping the center. when we fight at the center we lose..
so they focus on th W spot.. and after they took it the gates are not disappearing since center isnt taken yet.
that means that W spot is already taken by yours nation, than both of you reached center, than opposite nation take yours W spot ,
at that point you can do score at Center .
or take their E2 and build warp tower.
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