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Acknowledged CDI Craft.

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The Evil
Apr 19, 2016
Hello there, I want suggest something about CDI option for Palladiums, Equilibrium and Lycanus.

Since we all know Extreme Craft CDI can go max 57 CDI 7 Rate/AMP depends on the player.

But palladium only can go for 48 CDI 7 Rate or 60 CDI (which not going to happen for class that need crit rate). This makes Palladium less attractive to people , in the matter of fact palladium is 2 grade higher than Eins.

So I would suggest that CDI option increase from 16 ~> 18. Why? So that Palladium and Equilibrium CDI build can increase to 54 CDI (18x3) 7 Rate. Then it will be a fair enough. Still eins have 6 more CDI(x2 weapon). By implementing this, I think the Palladium weapon can be more viable to the market. People can still use their eins 3 % more CDI each weapon and helm but Palladium wont be left behind.

Thanks for reading this, I hope you guys can see my point.
Zeratul , ExCaliose
Hello, is there any update about these? It just reduce the gap of CDI craft between Extreme Eins and Palladium/Equilibrum. The gap is to much, making it 18 % per option would be better but although the Extreme Eins still the best but the gap wont be much.:):):)

Good day its a matter of choice thats why we made it that way.

If players want more cdi than attack/magic attack extreme item is the best

But if they prefer having more attack/magic attack they can go equip a unique weapon.

If you now ask...( I hope no) -.-
To increase the amp for unique set
Coz extreme item gives larger amp than unique item.
I dunno what to say to you anymore
Its fine for amp , 4 amp different.
But CDI have 13 cdi more its huge difference. Increase 2 % each option is not a big diff , still extreme eins have higher CDI.
Plus, the att different only 10 no one would likely to go for 10 att more rather than 13 cdi. Hope you can understand . It would be much more balance . I believe eins 57 CDI 7 CR , palla 54 CDI 7 CR (10 more att) would be better cause the gap is not much as now.
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We all know it has been increased. Think again, max craft CDI of unique item should be 20% right ? (I don't even know why you guys nerf it cause it is official stat) Same goes like AMP which is 10%, its not like people going full CDI for pvp, okay but cut that thing. I know it wouldn't happen. What I suggested here is 18 CDI which will result with 54 CDI and give extra 1 slot to put 7 Rate or 8 AMP. But still EINS have 57 CDI and 1 extra slot to put 7 Rate or 8 AMP. I suggest to increase the option to 18 to reduce the gap. It's not something that will be the gamebreaker. 18 CDI different of Unique craft item for double weapon (9x2) is too much you know to compare with EINS which have 20 Attack less.

By implementing this Unique craft will be only 6 CDI (3x2) less and EINS have 20 attack more (10x2). This would be more logic or acceptable compared to now because Palladium and Equilibrium is considered a high end gear, take a note of this.

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The official value is not 20. That is the previous value, that was lowered because as you well know pvp lasted only 2 skills.
We are currently working on some adjustments on pvp.
If all goes well we could increase the unique craft options with 2% (CDI), but as for now they will stay at the same value.
Ya I know that but think again last time we fb got 92% crit rate, you remember that? When you are making a thread that quite popular about 5% unused rate on fb? Thats why the CDI is too op , now theres no one would likely go even higher than 75 for pvp. The CDI become OP last time is because of the OP crit rate not the CDI.

Ya, that's a good idea too. Pvp now is all about who got higher amp thou.
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