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Changes to PayPal Purchases and Terms!


Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 19, 2014
The World
Greetings Nevarethians!
We hope this message finds you well! We have some updates to share regarding important changes to our PayPal payment system and terms, designed to enhance your overall experience within our community.

PayPal Payment System Upgrade:
We're thrilled to announce that we've upgraded our payment system to the latest available technology! This upgrade not only promises better conversion rates but also ensures a more secure and seamless transaction process for all our users. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we believe this enhancement will contribute significantly to a smoother payment experience.

Profile Page Transactions and Email Notifications:
We are excited to introduce a new feature that brings more convenience to your experience. Transactions are now available directly from your profile page! You can access your transaction history and manage your financial activities within the community seamlessly. Additionally, after approving a transaction, you will receive an email notification providing you with important details about the transaction. This ensures you stay informed every step of the way.

Introduction of Service Fee:
Starting today, we're introducing a service fee for each transaction. This fee will be automatically calculated and displayed on the product page during the checkout process. While we understand that changes like this may raise questions, please be assured that this adjustment enables us to maintain and improve the quality of our services. The service fee will contribute to ongoing server stability, security measures, and continuous enhancements to provide you with the best possible environment.

Enhanced Security and Convenience:
With the latest payment system update, we've prioritized security measures to ensure your transactions are more secure than ever. The new system not only offers better conversion rates but also provides a streamlined and efficient process for a hassle-free experience.

We understand that change can be an adjustment, and we appreciate your continued support and understanding as we implement these improvements. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team, who will be more than happy to assist you.

We believe these changes will contribute to a more vibrant and sustainable community for everyone involved. Thank you for being a valued member of Cabal World, and we look forward to continued growth and success together!

P.S.: The updated payment system is expected to significantly reduce the instances where manual verification is necessary. Nevertheless, there is still a possibility of such occurrences. Rest assured, if they do occur, we will promptly address and resolve them. In such cases, please adhere to the specified steps to facilitate a swift resolution.

Best regards,
Cabal World Team

Official Partner

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