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Fixed Command Codes in game

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Dec 2, 2014
Iloilo, [PH]
If possible maybe we can add command codes in game like /redeem that would bring us auto redeem in game, and /add (str int dex) Coz not all players/members have a good net connection so sometimes we are suffering on redeem / adding stats in our website.
Hmmm Are u underestimating ur team? :) They're proffessional I think they can handle it ^_^
Hmmm Are u underestimating ur team? :) They're proffessional I think they can handle it ^_^
We're not underestimating the staff members. All though even if they have a lot of cabal devolopment knowledge it would probably take hours to make it work properly maybe even days...

Why don't you just go on the website instead of consuming time of the devolopers/owners that may be working on something much bigger and better? :)
Actually I don't underestimate anybody, but I am not sure if they can do that nor did anybody else handle that yet.
And it would take months to make that working if you don't know every single step that needs to be done from the
I know that because I am currently working on stuff like that and I'm not alone with that,
an entire team helps with that and they know what they're doing as well. ;)
This is very close to impossible without the sources of the game / server which sadly we don't have.
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