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Fixed Crafting

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Jul 10, 2015
GM, it is so hard to craft because the materials specially those armor suits are not clean (has amp. and etc.). And the NPC also not selling clean items. Its harder to find clean low rank items than to find limitless items. Please GM, any solutions? For crafting purposes. :D Long live!
I am not one of the GM's, but I can answer you with that. Here in our server, we have different game concepts. That actually means that crafting gears and weapons aren't the focus of this server. We have good drop rates of Slot Extenders, cores and Option Scrolls. That means, you'll just loot, and put options to your selected gear. In the eShop, we have item customizer which will make you customize your items in desired Epics and Options in slots.
GM, it is so hard to craft because the materials specially those armor suits are not clean (has amp. and etc.). And the NPC also not selling clean items. Its harder to find clean low rank items than to find limitless items. Please GM, any solutions? For crafting purposes. :D Long live!
We might be able to do something with crafting, i don't know i have to ask the admins.
GM my suggestion is, if NPCs just sell normal, clean armor, suits, and etc. Coz in my opinion no players will buy those suits. Why not just put some clean and normal suit in the npc? GM, dun get mad. :3 just my suggestion. :D
GM my suggestion is, if NPCs just sell normal, clean armor, suits, and etc. Coz in my opinion no players will buy those suits. Why not just put some clean and normal suit in the npc? GM, dun get mad. :3 just my suggestion. :D
You're funny!!! GM's won't get mad, these suggestions will help them decide what to do in the future :D
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