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i'm curious about this passive skills. the base of character is 5cri. with 2pcs starter weapon total of 39 cri. why with or without CRUSHING BLADE the stats didn't change? even i hit to the mobs the stats still the same.

anyone can explain how do i know if the Crushing Blade already effect,?

or maybe i misunderstand the description of the skill?

Downlaod the img so that you can see clear :D
base cri.jpg
base cri.jpg
with crushing blade.jpg
without crushing blade.jpg
Stubborn xD..

I already told you ingame.. You cant see the passive in the character menu.. You didnt listen..

I also told you to hover your mouse over that skill so you can understand what it says and why it doesnt appear in the character menu..

You also didnt listen.

I also told you try to test the damage in the mobs with and without that passive and you didnt listen.

And you all make this trouble.. =)
Why are u insisting that it doesnt work.. =)
I dunno why..

Why o why.. =)
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