We are happy to bring you all the 9th Battle Style which is the Dark Mage!
This class uses Crystals and Orbs as weapons and transforms them into a Skull, a Sickle and Spirits floating around him.
Take a glance of the new class dedicated micro site
Dark Mage update notes:
Skill update notes:
Game progression changes:
This class uses Crystals and Orbs as weapons and transforms them into a Skull, a Sickle and Spirits floating around him.
Take a glance of the new class dedicated micro site
Dark Mage update notes:
- New Dark Mage exclusive Martial set of each grade (SIGMetal -> Demonite) was added
- The new Martial items can be:
- Used in the item extraction
- Used in the Change Appearance system
- Registered in the Auction House
- Crafted in the professional crafting
- When using a Crystal or Orb weapon costume, the costume will apply to the weapons
- All Dark Mage items were added to the Bazaar
Skill update notes:
- Global changes
- Synchronized all the skills properly (client <> server). Most of the skills had incorrect configuration either on the client or the server
- Skill rank for all existing characters were updated to Transcender with maximum points
- Skills for all existing characters were reverted to a default state and points added back
- Important: Merit skills were not touched in any way
- Buff skills with HP Regen. can now heal for a maximum of 2400 HP every 2 seconds
- Buff skills with HP Absorb Limit UP can now give a maximum of 500
- Battle Mode 3 Special stage attacks can be casted 4 seconds after the A-B attacks (previously was 2 seconds)
- Combo announcement was changed to minimum 25 (previously was 15)
- All Battle Modes and long cooldown buffs/debuffs will enter cooldown when your relog Mission War channel after scoring
- Force Shielder
- Art of Defense will not affect the movement skills (Dash and Fade Step) anymore. You will be able to cast them even when Art of Defense is casted on you
- Reflex Shield buff attributes adjusted
- Flying Shield is now calculating the final damage based on Attack and Sword Skill Amp
- Force Blader
- Hybrid magic/buff skills were added
- Hybrid skills can be used as attack skills, but change into buff skills while in Battle Mode 1
- You can read the description ingame for more details
Game progression changes:
- Adjusted the power of newly created characters to have a more natural evolution from lower levels into the higher ones
- New characters will now start with the following:
- Level 100
- Class Rank 11
- Skill Rank: Completer 0%
- Honor Rank 11 (Potion of Honor 5,000,000)
- Battle Mode 1 + Battle Mode 2
- Battle Mode 3 including all related skills will unlock once you finish BSLV UP Special Training Quest Nr.1, Nr.2 and Nr.3 (after reaching Class Rank 14)
- 7 attack skills, 2 movement skills and 1 buff skill
- Each class exclusive skill can now be trained at the Instructor of their hometown
- Bloody Ice: WA, FS, GL
- Desert Scream: BL, WI, DM
- Green Despair: FA, FB, FG
- Skill books now show the class requirements correctly for all classes
- Skills not available for your class (even if you had them trained from before) will not work anymore
- Sword, Magic and Passive skills now require alz to be trained
- Passive Skills were separated into multiple levels (as they were originally)
- Buff skills with the short casting time (0.1 sec) are now fixed, your character will not get stuck when using such a skill at the same time another player or mob is casting a debuff (stun, knockback, down, unmovable) on you
- Normal maps camera zoom limit was updated, now you can choose from 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 by pressing F11
- Dungeon maps have a fixed camera zoom limit (each dungeon has its own)
- Interface of dungeon completion was updated
- Shared weapons, which have All Class Requirement were fixed and now they properly inform you if you meet the requirements for stats and to equip them
- Client Not Responding when first starting and logging in the game was fixed
- Newly created blader characters will no longer have the Corrupted Blader mercenary quest marked as finished, so they can proceed with the quest line
Note: anyone having this issue can contact Manijak via Discord or the forums and we will manually fix it - Damage Amplifier icon was removed in Mission War so it wont overlap the power calculator
- Instant crafting was enabled (the craft loading bar will not appear anymore and you will instantly receive your item)
- Instant login/logout was enabled (the client loading bar no longer appears and you will instantly login or logout)
- Delete the following files and folder from your client:
- data\ui\theme1\back.dds
- data\ui\theme1\ui_byneo.png
- data\ui\theme1\ui_mofant.png
- data\object\object\world_79
- data\custom.enc
Starter Set
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