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Dark Mage


Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
We are happy to bring you all the 9th Battle Style which is the Dark Mage!
This class uses Crystals and Orbs as weapons and transforms them into a Skull, a Sickle and Spirits floating around him.
Take a glance of the new class dedicated micro site

Dark Mage update notes:
  • New Dark Mage exclusive Martial set of each grade (SIGMetal -> Demonite) was added
  • The new Martial items can be:
    • Used in the item extraction
    • Used in the Change Appearance system
    • Registered in the Auction House
    • Crafted in the professional crafting
  • When using a Crystal or Orb weapon costume, the costume will apply to the weapons
  • All Dark Mage items were added to the Bazaar

Skill update notes:
  • Global changes
    • Synchronized all the skills properly (client <> server). Most of the skills had incorrect configuration either on the client or the server
    • Skill rank for all existing characters were updated to Transcender with maximum points
    • Skills for all existing characters were reverted to a default state and points added back
      • Important: Merit skills were not touched in any way
    • Buff skills with HP Regen. can now heal for a maximum of 2400 HP every 2 seconds
    • Buff skills with HP Absorb Limit UP can now give a maximum of 500
    • Battle Mode 3 Special stage attacks can be casted 4 seconds after the A-B attacks (previously was 2 seconds)
    • Combo announcement was changed to minimum 25 (previously was 15)
    • All Battle Modes and long cooldown buffs/debuffs will enter cooldown when your relog Mission War channel after scoring
  • Force Shielder
    • Art of Defense will not affect the movement skills (Dash and Fade Step) anymore. You will be able to cast them even when Art of Defense is casted on you
    • Reflex Shield buff attributes adjusted
    • Flying Shield is now calculating the final damage based on Attack and Sword Skill Amp
  • Force Blader
    • Hybrid magic/buff skills were added
    • Hybrid skills can be used as attack skills, but change into buff skills while in Battle Mode 1
    • You can read the description ingame for more details

Game progression changes:
  • Adjusted the power of newly created characters to have a more natural evolution from lower levels into the higher ones
  • New characters will now start with the following:
    • Level 100
    • Class Rank 11
    • Skill Rank: Completer 0%
    • Honor Rank 11 (Potion of Honor 5,000,000)
    • Battle Mode 1 + Battle Mode 2
    • Battle Mode 3 including all related skills will unlock once you finish BSLV UP Special Training Quest Nr.1, Nr.2 and Nr.3 (after reaching Class Rank 14)
    • 7 attack skills, 2 movement skills and 1 buff skill
  • Each class exclusive skill can now be trained at the Instructor of their hometown
    • Bloody Ice: WA, FS, GL
    • Desert Scream: BL, WI, DM
    • Green Despair: FA, FB, FG
  • Skill books now show the class requirements correctly for all classes
  • Skills not available for your class (even if you had them trained from before) will not work anymore
  • Sword, Magic and Passive skills now require alz to be trained
  • Passive Skills were separated into multiple levels (as they were originally)
  • Buff skills with the short casting time (0.1 sec) are now fixed, your character will not get stuck when using such a skill at the same time another player or mob is casting a debuff (stun, knockback, down, unmovable) on you
Other fixes and changes:
  • Normal maps camera zoom limit was updated, now you can choose from 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 by pressing F11
  • Dungeon maps have a fixed camera zoom limit (each dungeon has its own)
  • Interface of dungeon completion was updated
  • Shared weapons, which have All Class Requirement were fixed and now they properly inform you if you meet the requirements for stats and to equip them
  • Client Not Responding when first starting and logging in the game was fixed
  • Newly created blader characters will no longer have the Corrupted Blader mercenary quest marked as finished, so they can proceed with the quest line
    Note: anyone having this issue can contact Manijak via Discord or the forums and we will manually fix it
  • Damage Amplifier icon was removed in Mission War so it wont overlap the power calculator
  • Instant crafting was enabled (the craft loading bar will not appear anymore and you will instantly receive your item)
  • Instant login/logout was enabled (the client loading bar no longer appears and you will instantly login or logout)
Optional steps (it can be done or left untouched):
  • Delete the following files and folder from your client:
    • data\ui\theme1\
    • data\ui\theme1\ui_byneo.png
    • data\ui\theme1\ui_mofant.png
    • data\object\object\world_79
    • data\custom.enc
Starter Set

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Requirements Not Met:

Requirements Met:
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For this particular update, we would like to ask you all, if you find any bugs, report it here, in this thread so we have all reports organized in one place.
P.S.: Only post a report if it was not already reported, so please take your time to read through this thread.
Thanks in advance and have fun :)
Skill - stab impact must be cool down like bewore was. Cuz it ruins habbitual combo. Works like this dash effect

After i key in my 2nd password, the 4 digit pin after character select, my client froze at this page. Not sure why though.
  • Fixed the cooldowns for all skills
  • Fixed the animations of Fade Step and Dash for the Dark Mage
  • Implemented a potential fix for the crashes.
Important: Crashes still seem to occur in certain situations, I would like to ask everyone experiencing crashes to report it here in this thread, detailing the situation when they get the crash. (like a lot of players get into visible range)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Completer skill rank to not let you advance into Transcender rank and also displayed incorrect exp gained/max
  • Fixed untrainable merit skills. Now all classes can train any merit skill
  • New characters will now start from Completer 0% skill rank, and the extra stats from skill ranks in unallocated so they need less grinding
Note: Created characters that are still not max skill rank, will receive character bound Potion of Skill, with enough skill exp to bring up their skill ranks
  • Fixed the cooldowns for all skills
  • Fixed the animations of Fade Step and Dash for the Dark Mage
  • Implemented a potential fix for the crashes.
Important: Crashes still seem to occur in certain situations, I would like to ask everyone experiencing crashes to report it here in this thread, detailing the situation when they get the crash. (like a lot of players get into visible range)
Still getting crashes when logging in to BI or after dungeon runs
Still getting crashes when logging in to BI or after dungeon runs

We are actively working on a fix, I will provide details as soon as we have a working solution for the crashes.
Update on 06/02/2022:
  • Fixed a bug that caused crashes in different scenarios, like using Dash, Fade Step, switching channels or warping.

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