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which character do you want to delete?
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I checkt your BL he is lvl 101 you can delete him yourself in the character selection
< on the X
game id- mystogun05- character name -slice (BL)
Good day, on my evandark2 account they have blocked my main character. The reason I don't know is that I would like you to unblock him. My character's name is IIKratosII PLEASE
Hi, I don´t see a problem with the acc.
It is not blocked.
Hola, no veo ningún problema con el acc.
No está bloqueado.
El tema es que cada vez que me conecto con mi personaje Kratos el servidor me desconecta, quizás sea por algunos items ¿Crees que pueda quitarlos para poder conectarme, por favor?
El tema es que cada vez que me conecto con mi personaje Kratos el servidor me desconecta, quizás sea por algunos items ¿Crees que pueda quitarlos para poder conectarme, por favor?
I will only answer on/in english posts
I will only answer on/in english posts
The issue is that every time I connect with my IKratosI character the server disconnects me, perhaps it is because of some items. Do you think I can remove them so I can connect, please?
I testet your char on the testserver and get also the disconnect. Cykros can help

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