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Difference prices of Blended Runes in Ecoin Shop.


As stated in the title, whats the difference between the 1k and 1.5k ecoin blended runes in shop?
Like, does it gives more chance to activate etc.I bought both 1k and 1.5k ecoins Sword Pressure III (both has been refunded) and do no see any difference written on the rune description..
If theres any difference, please show proof as i do not want to waste buying a higher cost rune that have the same % or effect as the ones that cost lesser..

If there is no difference, whats the point / use of putting the same type of runes with different pricing in the shops?
1k blender rune only able to used by the account that make purchase only and cant sell to others, where as 1.5k blender rune able to open for sale to other players. So if you buy for own usage, it will be wise to buy 1k version.

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