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Feedback Discrimination against certain class such as FB.

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The Evil
Apr 19, 2016

Before we start I start, I want to explain about what I want to say.

As we all know, every class has its own specialty. For example,

1. People play bladder for its damage.
2. People play wizard for its smoothness in movement and bm2.
3. People play warrior for its defense and high in attack, not to forget about party buff can now be used even solo.
4. People play force shielder for its high defensive stat and now mortalbane is usable.
5. People play force archer for its AoE.
6. People play force blader for its greatness in pvp, especially in war. No, cancel that.

Why you guys discriminate against fb class? Bonus stat from BM 2 is ripped out from last patch.

Most of people play other class is against FB caused of its immortality in its BM1. So much Debuff. Now after all fb is just support class.

I'm an FB lover, if player that play other class can discriminate about FB OPness in war. Telling it is unbalanced. Ok, now i want say please increase fb attack or increase the stat for fb buff. Bladder and other class can deal tons of damage in dungeon but fb damage is so ticklish. There is no reason at all now to play fb since fb got low attack and damage in dungeon and vulnerable in war.

It is unbalance that other class can deal so much damage in dungeon cause of party buff is now available for solo run but fb is getting debuff and debuff. I want to play FB but now there is no reason to play fb.

Please consider to buff fb stat increase the attack or anything else. Bladder damage is as far doubled from fb damage. If other people can demand that it is unbalanced for fb to OP in war. Im here now demand that it is unbalanced for fb damage so low in dungeon. Please do something about this.

Thank you.
Cabal fact.

On Damage Ranking the are 3 types of Damage,
Semi Burst

For Burst
It is for Wizard and Force Shielder

For Semi Burst
Warrior, Force Blader

FA and BL

For burst type classes, they are damage with high damage output but the slowest

For Semi Burst
Buffs/debuffs casting causing them to become a bit slow but once the buff/debuff is in effect its damage outclassed the burst type classes

Youll see the damage is a bit low but the damage us calculated in seconds.
You got all things wrong..
You want to make FB to solo hard dungs like BL does,
But damage isnt your problem. Survibability does.

1. WI could kite monsters until wi could kill them
2. BL Intuition that renders them to be invincible for. period of time. (Right timing of buffs)
3. WA a bit tanky, but its not enuf to do solo unlike BL
4. FA with heal and could also kite monsters till they die.
5. With FS tank buffs that could make them survive AOD Shadow Shield
6. FB they could debuffs monsters, most effective in a party.
I believe you get me wrong.

What am I gonna say is that other class got buff since patch. Now the damage input is even higher since they can using party buff solo. It's major drawback for FB player, they didnt recieve any buff yet their BM1 bonus stat is taken away.

What I'm asking is not solo hard dungeon like Bl do, but an increament stat for Fb buff or stat. Especially when other class get to cast party buff even they were solo.

Im not asking fb bm2 dmg should be same as bl bm2. I play cabal long enough and i believe i have brain when im raising and issue.

I believe you can see now all people just want to play bl. Buffing FB elemental buff or stat isnt gonna hurt the game anyways. Atleast fb can playable even for dungeon.
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