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Suggestion Draca Event


Professional Enchanter
Mar 10, 2022
Hello, I've seen the previous years Draca event and felt that it was good! Wondering if its possible to bring it back? Like the blended runes, rings and bikes. Helps players to grow faster during these period.

Wouldn't suggest to combine with the next event as players have to wait quite some time for the next event.

ps. I have already mentioned it to the staff but officially making a formal request to the team for consideration. Thank you! :)
Event before draca was offering same items as draca event, and instead of it we worked hard on DM update,
summer event will also come soon , and we will consider also about draca one .
Event before draca was offering same items as draca event, and instead of it we worked hard on DM update,
summer event will also come soon , and we will consider also about draca one .
awesome! cant wait for upcomings events :)

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