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Epic Overhaul and other Huge Changes

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
What is Epic Overhaul?
This update refers to simplifying the game items (Body parts, weapons and bikes) craft options.
You all know that until now we had on this items 3 craft categories, the Normal craft which had 1 craft option, the Extreme craft which had 2 craft options and Unique craft which had 3 craft options.

This was an interesting system but at the same time it was complicated, Extreme Crafted items where hard to slots because you had to be careful what slot you add first and second and the 3d one could be just one of the previous 2 slotted and so on. Unique craft items where always compared with Extreme Craft items and it was hard to decide which one is the best in the end...

We wanted to make things simple but in the same time more interesting and more appealing to the cabal community so here is how we reorganize these items craft categories.

Body Parts, Weapons and Bikes craft possibilities will be the following
  • Normal Craft (Example: ASA 8%)
  • Rare Craft (Example: ASA 11%)
Epic Craft (Example: ASA 16%)Mission War
The Craft values are now based on the item grade, this means that the higher the item grade is the better the craft value will be. This way we will avoid having beginner items or intermediate with high values like end game items.
For example the ASA Epic Craft will be accordingly:
  • 13% for SIGMetal
  • 14% for Mithril
  • 15% for Archridium
  • 15% for Drei Frame
  • 16% for Palladium
  • 16% for Demonite
All Extreme items and normal items will be updated accordingly
  • Extreme Craft (perfect value) will become and Epic Craft item
  • Extreme Craft (not perfect value) will become Rare Craft item
  • Normal Craft items will become Normal Craft (the new values)

The Epic Overhaul system have also changed the type of Drei Frame, Palladium and Demonite items, they are no longer unique craft items. Sadly here we could not build an automatic replacement script for the craft values because 3 craft and maximum 1 slot is not that easy to replace into 3 slots and 1 craft when the values are random. Instead we build a converter where we specify the item type and what options it had and we tell him in what to convert it. (Read here how to request your item conversion if it was not converted already!)
You will still be able to see the craft values for this items with 3 craft effects but THEY WONT GIVE YOUR CHARACTER THE EFFECT (You will see the effect in the Character menu and the Damage Calculator bu the server wont take it in consideration so your damage will not be good, so if you have a 3 crafts item make a change request as it is detailed here)
We will restart server for updating the old unique items to new Overhaul ones as often as possible but not more then 1 time a day.

Some other changes were brought to the end game set along with this reorganization, like:
  • Palladium will be part of the Ultimate grade sets along with Demonite
  • Demonite items can now be used in the website enchant system (Weapons, Body parts and Epaulets)
  • Demonite epaulets are not account bound by property anymore
  • Demonite Epaulets resulted from Eite - Epaulets Service Center will be character bound on equip
The whole drop system was updated, extreme and unique items that dropped until now will drop with the Normal Craft, Rare Craft or Epic Craft and we developed an interesting concept of how and where to farm your items.
To check all changes simply check the drop list!
Professional Craft system
The crafting system was completely rebuild, craft result will always be Epic Craft values, crafting requirements for each items was adjusted.
For the moment accessories crafting is disabled.
Shape Cartridges where renamed to S.C. to keep a cleaner view in the craft UI.
Palladium and Demonite Sealed S.C. will be the only ones who request Lightning Elements to be opened. They will be sold at the same place as until now (NPC Chloe in Port Lux)
Example of crafting and Warrior All Skill Amp Up Visor
2020-02-12 19_24_02-Window.png 2020-02-12 19_24_37-CABAL.png 2020-02-12 19_25_02-CABAL.png
Items upgrade updates
Item upgrade system extended to +20
Items effects will appear on +20 instead of +15
Item upgrade chances were improved compared to original values and we also added the chance to not just downgrade item upon failure but also just lose the stones. Check the image bellow and compare the original values with the new ones.
Item Upgrade Chances.png

Pet training
In order to fill a slot to a pet you will need a Force Core (Ultimate)
Destroy system
Updated Palladium weapons and body parts to give Ultimate scrolls and cores
Mission War
Damage amplifiers usage changed, each amplifier type will be used on a specific weapon set based on their grade.
Damage amplifiers.png
Chloe NPC reorganized and removed unnecessary items.
Starting Gear
Shineguard, Terragrace, Mystic, Topaz and Redosmium
The starting gear body parts, weapons, epaulets will have the sell price 0 but the items in this category that will drop from the game will have a selling price so they will be a source of alz.​
Removed the boards from starting gear and replaced them with a Blue bike.
2020-02-18 14_52_32-CABAL.png 2020-02-18 14_53_16-CABAL.png 2020-02-18 14_53_32-CABAL.png 2020-02-18 14_53_46-CABAL.png
Dungeons adjustments
Update la FT3 - hp -25% , def/damage -500
Updated Hazardous Valley difficulty and drops (replaced the Archiridium and Mithrill items, check drop list)

Item quest reward system was giving some wrong items, for example the Epaulet of Brazil Football Uniform. This items will be automatically removed from characters that got them.

The server exact time for update will be announced on discord! If you havent joined our server discord do it now! Click here!

Patchest to this update
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How to request your unique item conversion if it was not changed already?
If you want the item to be converted just register it to the Auction house
I will check the auction house daily and update as many items as I can.
This way the items will be updated live, without the need of server restart.

Example: (TIP put a high price to the item so other wont buy it if you dont want to sell it)
2020-02-24 22_29_46-Window.png

If your item is bound you can just send me in private over discord the item combinations.
Discord ID: Cykros#3025​
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Web Shop Changes
The Web Shop Customizer was modified to suit the new Overhaul Update
  • Body Parts, weapons and bikes can have on Craft customization just the 3 types they use
    • Normal Craft
    • Rare Craft
    • Epic Craft
  • Other items that can have craft customized have the following
    • Craft Lv.1
    • Craft Lv.2
    • Craft Lv.3
    • Craft Lv.4
  • Item upgrade can be done up to +20 but the item price for upgrading was adjusted
    • Upgrading an item until grade 10 will be relatively cheap
    • After you pass level 10 each upgrade level will cost around the price of a Perfect Core needed for specific item you are customizing
2020-02-20 18_17_18-Gloves - Warrior - Olympus Gaming Network.png 2020-02-20 18_17_30-.png
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Website Enchant System (Bind and Unbind Item)
The item enchant system was modified to offer a better satisfaction of his usage.
You can look at the image below to make a difference between the old settings and the new ones.
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Can I know what happen to fail craft demonite like 10 9 9 / 10 10 9 / 16 16 14 / 16 14 14 ? Will it be change to perfect value or it will still be junk ?

What happen if i request convert them?

Thank you ...
Hello. You made a rollback and I have a problem I can't log in because I'm still in the game. Please help .
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Server is online and all is fine now, we had encountered some problems but they were solved.
That is what is happening when you alter over 200.000 items in the database, you find problems and need to fix them!
Enchant system is updated and open for public use again.
Thank you for waiting for it to be ready!

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Server patch 24-Feb-2020

Today we patched the server with the following changes
  • Updated the weapons RipDreams and Singularity to suit the Epic Overhaul update.
  • Adjusted again the NPC sell price for Body Part, Weapons, Epaulets and destroy resulted items to prevent a collapse of the market resulted by to much alz ingame. (This is subjected to change again if needed)
  • Updated the conversion script for items with over 50 combinations.
Over 300 have been converted again after adding anther 30 combinations in the script file.

Also I have scheduled a cron job to run the script every hour so your items gets updated also when you are not online.

Warehouse items will be updated live without relog required.

Tomorrow morning I am going to add more items to the list just from what I find in the warehouse that needs converted.

With respect, Cykros!
Server patch 01-March-2020
  • Adjusted again the NPC sell price for Body Part, Weapons, Epaulets and destroy resulted items to prevent a collapse of the market resulted by to much alz ingame. (This is subjected to change again if needed);
  • Fixed the problem with SIGMetal items on destroy giving Highest grade cores instead of High;
  • Updated the conversion script for items with over 40 combinations;
  • Boss Raid system messages will be showing exactly what boss is spawning, in what channel and in what map. (This is the first step made for the Boss Raid System rebuild)
Cabal200302-0255-VerC0FFEE-0000.jpg 2020-02-29_18_08_47-CABAL.png
Hi Cykros, There is some items that did not converted to new system. I could not add to AH due to character bind status (and really late change report ofc :))
Item list here :
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