Please use the format below and make sure you include the required information.
Required Information:
Date - The date (server time) the bug occurred. Include as accurate info as possible.
Description - Describe the bug as accurate as possible. Include information such as what you were doing that could trigger the bug.
Screenshot/Video- Screenshots about the bug are required but if possible you can include a video for easier investigation.
Format (Complete the form below):
Character - Slag
Date - 13.11.2017, 1:30am server time
Description - While I have equipped 4x equilibrium armor + equilibrium epaluet of sage I do not receive epaulet set effect (10 cdi, 4 cri, 100 hp, 80 def, 61 def rate). I think its class related bug, because some other FA has same problem, meanwhile some FS that I know gets epaulet set effect.
Screenshot/Video - Added under attached files
Failing to follow the format will result in your report being instantly ignored and deleted!
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