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Acknowledged Equilibrium Weapons

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I suggest making Equilibrium Weapons account binding on equip (or when extended).
Because for example if you have FS and FB char, right now you need to craft 2x Blade and 2x Crystal, due to char binding option. It would be really nice if we could use same weapons on all characters on account.

Easy way to make it happen: remove ''character binding item when equipped'' from fresh crafted weapons. Everybody that will use them will extend them anyway. Once they are extended they become account binding and you can't use them in enchant system. It doesn't allow items to be traded more than right now, so it should be np for economy.
I think its obvious they deliberately made it character bind and not allow player to "exploit" acc bind benefits (in a sense, less wep needed, less gameplay). Its not new, they did it with equi armor. I doubt something as simple and clear as acc bind and char bind will be overlooked, no less to admins. After all, they emphasize on extending gameplay and difficulty. Asking admins to make them acc bind contradicts to their objective.
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