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Not a bug Extreme Eins Blade text became green after a fail on adding slots option.

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Professional Enchanter
Dec 2, 2014
Please use the format below and make sure you include the required information.

Required Information:
  • Date - The date (server time) the bug occurred. Include as accurate info as possible.
  • Description - Describe the bug as accurate as possible. Include information such as what you were doing that could trigger the bug.
  • Screenshot/Video- Screenshots about the bug are required but if possible you can include a video for easier investigation.

Format (Complete the form below):
  • Character - Zinogre
  • Date - April 03, 2017 09:03AM Server Time
  • Description - I was trying to put SSA on 3rd slot but it failed and then the text (item name & craft epic) became green. First pic was when it failed and text became green and 2nd was when i'm done and hoped text would revert to violet. Might or might not be bug though. :D
  • Screenshot/Video - ExremeEinsBladeGreenTextAfterAFail.jpg ExtremeEinsBladeDONE.jpg

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Do you have the stats of that Extreme weapon before it was failed?
If the Stats havent change its just a visual bug. if it change we will investigate it.
perhaps if the stats have changed.. please tell us the Epic values before it was failed
Do you have the stats of that Extreme weapon before it was failed?
If the Stats havent change its just a visual bug. if it change we will investigate it.
perhaps if the stats have changed.. please tell us the Epic values before it was failed

Maybe a visual bug cause the craft epics were the same but i sadly i didn't try to equip and check it on Character page (C). One more thing Fatal changed to Deathblow maybe a conflict with craft epics 10%CRI as Fatal and 6%CRI as Deathblow.
Please use the format below and make sure you include the required information.

Required Information:
  • Date - The date (server time) the bug occurred. Include as accurate info as possible.
  • Description - Describe the bug as accurate as possible. Include information such as what you were doing that could trigger the bug.
  • Screenshot/Video- Screenshots about the bug are required but if possible you can include a video for easier investigation.

Format (Complete the form below):
  • Character - Zinogre
  • Date - April 03, 2017 09:03AM Server Time
  • Description - I was trying to put SSA on 3rd slot but it failed and then the text (item name & craft epic) became green. First pic was when it failed and text became green and 2nd was when i'm done and hoped text would revert to violet. Might or might not be bug though. :D
  • Screenshot/Video - View attachment 2942 View attachment 2943

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yah it was just a visual bug.....cuz the Epic Value was still the same....
When an extreme item has a slot added from ingame the craft values may switch around making the client read first the low epic one.
The colors should not be take in consideration on extreme crafted items.
Maybe we will figure a way out to make extreme items have a new color for craft values so people don't get confused.
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