One more.
UNMV 40 seconds, with 0-10 range debuff.- low it!
Don't care flee when is only for 12seconds, when your unmv is dbl 20s -.-
I was bm2/bm3 with full shorts and dmg eq. I cant kill fb, but he can kill me without bm.
Ok, for Bladers and FA's are easy farm score, fb has a problem,so do it:
500 score - max wexp
1000score - 10% more wexp (maxwexp+10%)
1500score - +5 % more wexp ( maxwexp+15%)
Of course after nerf FB, they are GOD's, why i cant kill fb with limitless?
1 fb can stop wave and win fight o0 1 player can win with 6 enemies o0.
War is first 10mins, push, 45mins farm score and bored. It's a true, becouse more score - more wexp, next is procyon domination this server. Maybe do limit players in one nation? For example, what mean FS with teamplay and pk, help, with medium push, gets ~400 score, for 400 score is 150wxexp(idk), when other player farm score on gate 2000score and gets 400wexp, without teamplay.War doesn't have to look that way.
Ok bro, i did 500 score and i go afk. Yes, is a problem but if u are afk at war you will be kicked and reset score. Now everyone can be afk, there is no difference.
Handicap bonus works with 10members in one nations, Here is a problem becouse always is 1-7 players in one nation. Maybe one war in week is 10+.