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Refused FB, god of war, When nerf FB?

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Jul 3, 2017
When you weaken FB? With rcr, is immortal. But if i have (bl) full resists, i get 2000-5000, If enemy fb is resists i do (full dmg ) 200-500. xD I think, GM LIKE FB AND NEVER NERF IT :) 40 seconds UNMV ?! (dbl debuff) lol, with 0-10 range? Other champs, are ok, but FB STILL IS GOD MODE. I had a problem to kill 164 FB with limitless, what ??? Give me answer why u like FB and never weaken him. 1 fb can stop wave 6ppl. :) 1v6 still win fb. :D

If u dont want nerf defense, please low this range unmv, now is 0-10 ;/
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BL got 2 k point most war (not to include 100% flee buff where you can use full damage). Fb barely get 1 k point. 400-600 point if full pk, why complain ? It's purely a no.1 PK class :):):). It is good in pk but sucks in farming, so I don't know why u still complaining.

Oh I forgot, like zeratul once said. One day we will release a new char. Ranged Warrior with Blink skill + debuff. :D:D:D
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One more.

UNMV 40 seconds, with 0-10 range debuff.- low it!
Don't care flee when is only for 12seconds, when your unmv is dbl 20s -.-

I was bm2/bm3 with full shorts and dmg eq. I cant kill fb, but he can kill me without bm.
Ok, for Bladers and FA's are easy farm score, fb has a problem,so do it:

500 score - max wexp
1000score - 10% more wexp (maxwexp+10%)
1500score - +5 % more wexp ( maxwexp+15%)

Of course after nerf FB, they are GOD's, why i cant kill fb with limitless?
1 fb can stop wave and win fight o0 1 player can win with 6 enemies o0.

War is first 10mins, push, 45mins farm score and bored. It's a true, becouse more score - more wexp, next is procyon domination this server. Maybe do limit players in one nation? For example, what mean FS with teamplay and pk, help, with medium push, gets ~400 score, for 400 score is 150wxexp(idk), when other player farm score on gate 2000score and gets 400wexp, without teamplay.War doesn't have to look that way.

Ok bro, i did 500 score and i go afk. Yes, is a problem but if u are afk at war you will be kicked and reset score. Now everyone can be afk, there is no difference.

Handicap bonus works with 10members in one nations, Here is a problem becouse always is 1-7 players in one nation. Maybe one war in week is 10+.

Did you ever play official cabal? It is official stat. First time in my cabal life people complain about fb unmove. You got resist debuff buff for a reason, you got flee rate buff for a reason . There is a reason why you can't kill fb with limitless, he must be on BM1 or your set is pure CDI and he have rcr. Fa and bl got stun lock combo etc etc. I don't know why you still want proceed this complain.

If you looking for every class is same all tank , all powerfull , all can pk , all can push ezpz. Then cabal is not for you. Read back the guide and detail of the class. If you want focus pk go for pk class , if you want mix go for fa or maybe wi, if you want to go fully push go for BL. BL has been buffed alot. Before BL would die in seconds. It is now balance. Your build is all matter.
Also, 12 second without need a single resist is good, you can't say only 12 sec.

Some player just want more and more and more.
Said fb player, war is die :) booored war, When i see fb, used my buff resist unmv, he used unmv and lost, but after use secound unmv, 20 second, my flee is 12s, 8 s he can kill me, when im full resists xD

"1 fb can stop wave and win fight o0 1 player can win with 6 enemies"

You defend FB, becouse u are playing FB, i know that fb is pk champ, but give chance to kill? 1v6 rly?

You read something else than "nerf fb" ? More score more wexp more bored. What u mean about domination one nation and handicap bonus.
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Good day im a WI and confronting FB 1v1 is kinda annoying but with my experiments with sets i can confront FB withour problem..

The problem now was FB was always partnered with FA
Stun and root combo so i always die..

Theres something wrong in your set..
Thats why you are easily killed..

Confrontint BL as a WI. I could only get my range advantage but fighting a BL headon is a suicide..
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