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[Finished]Summer shots - Ends on 27 August

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Its time to show of your photo skills and imaginations!

Use any of the new body and/or head new costumes from the last update and use any map/dungeon environment to take your shot.

We will select 10 winners and each will receive 2 items of choose (armor or weapons) Eins Frame Extreme Craft. (3 empty slots and 2 Crafts)


The event will end on 27-August-2017 and the winners will be selected in the following days after the event will end.

To participate to the event simply post your picture in a reply here along with your character name.

You can use 3rd party programs to improve the picture.


XiaNfer - Reward sent
kissofdeathFB - Reward sent
DarkWolf - Reward sent
Bard - Reward sent
inzanity - Reward sent
Grinjo Lidell, awesome message on the picture :) =)) - Reward sent
jihn777, very nice capture :D - Reward sent
brohmygod - Reward sent
Cifer - Reward sent
Catalyn - Reward sent
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Its time to show of your photo skills and imaginations!

Use any of the new body and/or head new costumes from the last update and use any map/dungeon environment to take your shot.

We will select 10 winners and each will receive 2 items of choose (armor or weapons) Eins Frame Extreme Craft. (3 Filled slots of choose and 2 Crafts)

The event will end on 27-August-2017 and the winners will be selected in the following days after the event will end.

To participate to the event simply post your picture in a reply here along with your character name.

You can use 3rd party programs to improve the picture.
ZiaNfer (BL)

About these posts, regarding the first part of the sentence said by Cykros below which of the new costumes from the latest update are they wearing? I fail to see which of 'em or is it just on my screen?
Use any of the new body and/or head new costumes from the last update and use any map/dungeon environment to take your shot

"We will select 10 winners and each will receive 2 items of choose (armor or weapons) Eins Frame Extreme Craft. (3 Filled slots of choose and 2 Crafts)"
Also about the prizes is it like the crafted ones from in-game (same craft epics) or can be like the ones worn by gm char that may have 2 different craft epic options? (cdi+amp/cdi+cri/amp+cri etc)
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Use any of the new body and/or head new costumes from the last update and use any map/dungeon environment to take your shot.
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