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Fixed Gambler's Wheel of Un-Luck

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Aspect of Death
Professional Enchanter
Hi. I posted some time ago a thread about this wheel, and it theoreticaly been "fixed" .
Dunno what "fix" means in those parts, but now it works terribly awful, worse than before.
Maybe its just me (i got 4 or 5 Upgrade Core Highest in a row).
Remove those rewards that we NEVER have the chance to get, and put some account bound blessing beads, war-exp , pet-exp, veradrix, bla bla bla, you got the point.
As the wheel is at this moment, its a insult to the players of this server.
Nobody is forcing you to play at the wheel. And we repeat, we are not developing the current website anymore since a new one will come along with all features changed and improved.
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