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Professional Enchanter
In this Event you will be able to get the most powerful bikes ever saw in Nevareth. You will have only 15 days at disposal to acquire this so don't waste a minute.

Event details:
  • Period: 08:45 AM 22-May-2018 until 10:00 AM 05-June-2018
  • Channel: 6
  • Boss: MF-03 Drei Frame
  • Drops: G.T.B. Tokens x20
  • Respawn time: 15 minutes
  • Token usage: Exchange for Crystal PW5 or Crystal Crysis bikes
Exchange details:
  • NPC: Yul
  • Price: 3b Alz + 125 G.T.B. Tokens
Event bike details:
  • Binding: account bound by property, cannot be unbinded on the website
  • Options: combinations of special options only available during this event
  • Duration:
    • Stage 1: 7 days
    • Stage 2: 30 days
    • Stage 3: 60 days
    • Stage 4: 90 days
    • Stage 5: Permanent
  • Stages:
    • After buying a bike, it will be +0 and stage 1
    • Upgrade the bike to +15 to step into the next stage
    • Grade will be lowered to +10 when stepping into the next stage
  • Upgrade: only compatible with unique cores
Webshop Special Offers:
  • For those who don't have the time to farm the Tokens we offer the possibility to acquire them with eCoins
GTB Boos.png
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bit unfair ..for newbies 1 boss vs ton player.. to grab unknown amount token ... it better if dungeon.@open map . all player can enjoy n hunting event item what ever player equipment@ lvl
bit unfair ..for newbies 1 boss vs ton player.. to grab unknown amount token ... it better if dungeon.@open map . all player can enjoy n hunting event item what ever player equipment@ lvl
This bikes are not for new players.
I don't even know why you assumed that.
If they really want them for later usage they can acquire tokens from other players or from webshop.
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hehehe well few newbies just pm me in game boss.. about event..
they wan Participants too ...
The map is not a war map so they can also participate. Everyone can participate. Its all about the luck to get the loot.
The map is not a war map so they can also participate. Everyone can participate. Its all about the luck to get the loot.
note it samilar as boss channel ... but this time no lvl requiment right ?... all can enter.. try luck ...
Low players can go with (or while) other higher players and kill the boss to get tokens.
The loot chance of the tokens is the same for all, regardless the level or equipament or the amount of damage dealt to the boss.
How can people who can't online too much and don't have money to buy ecoin get the bike? It seems impossible for players like me to acquire it.
Low players can go with (or while) other higher players and kill the boss to get tokens.
The loot chance of the tokens is the same for all, regardless the level or equipament or the amount of damage dealt to the boss.
thanks zera for explanation
Sometimes I think I should not let the threads open for reply :D
You can kill that boss in 20-30min MAX + 30min respawn time lets say 1h. Simple math. Thats minimum 48 tokens per 24h
Event update, drop of the boss change to 20 pieces, respawn time change from 30 minutes to 15 and the defense and hp was reduced to make the event more enjoyable.
Also the bike tokens costs was set from 25 to 125.

Overall this changes will make the acquiring of the bikes more enjoyable for all players.
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