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Suggestion GM Event Idea


Little Helper
Jan 3, 2021
Hi all and CW Staff Team,

I thought about this idea and know yet no way of abusing, ofc maybe u guys have a idea but first lemme introduce it.

NPC Search (GM Event)

Rules: GM hides at a NPC from BI-FR. First one who finds right NPC wins. Tipps or First Letter of Name of NPC can be given by GM (optional). Rewards/Rounds are decided by GM. Event depends on basic/good knowledge of Cabal.

if you know a way to cheat in this kind of Event please lemme know with a reply down below ^^

thats a prty easy GM search,even without any tipp
true but gm will be invisible and the first one who goes to right npc will win, without player knowing if npc is right. Random guess and same chance to win. If many ppl on same npc , the one who was first there wins.
In this case GM can choose winner , :( sad but we had this happening in past.
there was also explits in GM kills events so only something that can be random.
roll dice,gm kill
2 New GM Event Ideas:

Scrabble Event:

- This Event you need guess word with messed up letters .
Example :
- Game Master will write "erd argeil" and you go gotta write "red garlie". The Player who writes the right Answer in chat first wins. GM can decide to give tips (example: If it is a Item,Monster,Ability,...).The length of the word can be decided by GM depending on amount of Players participating. GM should be trusted ofc to not cheat this Event by GM sharing the words with Friends & co. Mostly depends on matter of trust in GM.

Shop Event :
- Game Master will open personal shop on 7 Channel (EVENT) with a special items with prices lower than 100,000 Alz . Rewards can be LE, Perfect Cores, Honor/Alz/Wexp Potions or Rewards like from [GM Kill]. Fastest Players get items and get rewarded by doing so. Event would be good for GM with not much Time at that moment (Due to RL or upcoming War,....).


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