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Hirogley Secret Shop


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Exciting New Items Now Available!

We are thrilled to introduce three fantastic new items in Cabal World!
  • Troglo's Golden Fruit — This rare treasure can be obtained from dungeons that Hirogley selects at random. The chosen dungeons will be announced in-game and in the Discord’s Hirogley-Shop channel. Keep an eye out for your chance to grab this valuable item!
  • Troglo's White Gold Fruit — Looking to make a direct purchase? This shiny gem is available from the N Shop in-game. Don’t miss out on this convenient option!
  • Troglo's Obsidian Fruit — This item can be acquired through the Bazaar -> Force Gem Shop -> Hirogley Items section. It’s just waiting for you to discover!

Important Note:

The items Hirogley offers for exchange are not permanent in his shop. If there’s something you’ve been eyeing, be sure to get it while you can — we never know when Hirogley will decide to remove it from his offer.

Don’t miss your chance! Get these exclusive items now!
Faded items have been removed from the Hirogley Shop, and players can no longer exchange them. These items were available for nearly three months, providing ample time to trade them for the updated versions compatible with in-game systems. Players still holding faded items should discard them at an NPC, as they will no longer be convertible.

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