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Fixed Hours Played spend it !.

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Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 3, 2015
Today i was thinking about "Hours Play" at website,what for that magic number is on account information.
Meaby we can do something with that and implement some " Hours changer"or"Hours Spender" like :

10 hours of play- "100 wexp" or 20 eCoins or 10 cCash or anything else.

Fell free to suggest any idea,about "Hours Play"
I like the idea from what you want, but this can be easily abused since people will just AFK ingame and have multiple accounts or characters online at the same to farm a lot of hours. :)

If we wanted something for this it should not be easily abused.
There is available system like T-coins where people geth "coins"when they are noth in protection zone.Maeby u can implement automatic prize for each 30 minutes in fighting status or dungeon but noth when "afk"
dont we already have a system like this with ecoins? or?
Well we are using a bot protection system which detects you only when you are not ''AFK'' maybe they could do something with that :p but no idea.

We had a ingame thing as this before which was cCash per hour which didn't turn out great since everyone went AFKing and dancing/show skill animation outside the towns and i think the Admins are not waiting for that.
yes we have a system like this but don't know: for how many minutes - how many ecoins ....
Okay so now wait for admin reply :),i was dosent know about that ricu :D.
Yes we currently already do have a eCoin system which grants you 1 eCoin for every specific amount of time that you are online which was 7 or 10 minutes.
There is already a ready for the online time, eCoins.
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