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Fixed Improving PVP System

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Good day to all

i would like to suggest a new pvp system....... i had played many cabal private servers in my previous year when i am still in high school :-) i obvserve that it would be nice if there is a bet in every pvp.... like betting their honor points or their alz then its up to the player if he would accept it... then it should have maximum and minimum bet so that even starting players could still pvp if they want to :-). and of course they still can choose if they don't want to bet(free battle)in short............

Thanks more powers to cabal Redemption..................................
View attachment 422
I like the idea of betting something to pvp but personally there should also be a feature where you can pvp without betting so it's still possible to pvp for fun.
But pretty sure this feature is nearly impossible to develop for the owners i think, we'll see what they have to say about it. :p

Nice idea though and thank you for suggesting.
in some servers i played there are options you can choose if you want to bet alz or honor points or nothing(3 options) then after deciding, the player which being challenge can see how much or how big is the bet then he can decide if he wants to decline or accept. this can motivate old player and for new player to farm more and become strong.... i hope i print screen it but sorry because that was long time ago chatting in forum is not my priority before.............

i know you can do it sirs this will help the community to grow more... this server will be unique if you can do it.. because the server before that has this has being downed for along time ago............. gogogo!!!!!
more power to redemption...........!!!!!!!!

View attachment 423
hmm, i think it's true that one old server had this kind of system, i'm not really sure but i think it was the ep2 server of cabal ws. (hope it's not a problem for mentioning the server name, they don't have a server anymore anyways.)
sir i tank? do you have a screen shot of the pvp before? :) so that they will have referrence........... i know that this will be more fun if this will be implemented....... the server before that has this kind of pvp.... has many players always full............
more powers to the redemption........................

View attachment 424
cabal. ws my old server cabal..:cool::p.. I also already give some idea form that server
please don't give ideas from their last ep8 server, cuz that server was simply fail. x30 even said he will close it in some time when donations will slightly stop =)):rofl:
The system cannot be implement since its not coded in the ep8 client and server this way and we are limited on this.
The idea is nice, sadly impossible for now...
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