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Feedback Instant Buff

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Oct 24, 2017
hi all gm,

will there be instant buff in the near future ???
Example, WA buff Bloody Spirit, where we can use the buff immediately without interfering with combo or BM2 Attacking
yea, make BL even more OP -_-
This has been already discussed before, sadly instant cast can't be added so instead t'was made with 1sec casting time but was creating bugs and such and t'was reverted back to the original to avoid more issues.
what do u mean by " more fa buff" ??? does our FA missing some buffs? :V
if u talk about offensive bless they fusioned it with sharpness :V
Instant buffs causes character stuck bug (u can't control character untill die or relog) If you get any cc(down,kb,stun etc.) while casting the buff (or next 0.8 seconds or smth)
what do u mean by " more fa buff" ??? does our FA missing some buffs? :V
if u talk about offensive bless they fusioned it with sharpness :V
Rimvydas as stated above several classes got their buff merged. And if there are new buff(s) that are applicable on aj ep8 client feel free to make a suggestion. :)
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