For Newbies this is a guide how to level up quickly....
Since there's a starter set it would become easy
From Level 100 - 110
Since you are starting at level 100.. gain exp till you hit level 105 at Forgotten Ruin.. Best Spot is at Blade Peryton Spot.
[Blessing bead 80% would do the trick you can get it in vcoin shop located in Bloody Ice + Server Float Rates]
You can also GO Level up at Epaulet of Dead B1f you can get entry in the Vcoin shop..
Atleast this way if you are lucky you can get Mergahephs ring.
After Reaching Level 105
You can try Doing Epaulet of Dead B2F to gain level or just Go Gain level in Forgotten Ruins same Spot Blade Peryton Spot.
From Level 110 - 125
You can now go To Level UP at Lake Side...
from 110 - 120 you can gain massive experience at Dark Troll Spot... [with Blessing Beads 80% + our Server Float Rates]
After Reaching level 120 you can go to Bloody Ogre Spot for the last 5 Level [Reaching Level 125]
From level 125 - 140
You can do Level up to level 130 Here
After Reaching 130 you can now Do Radiant Hall Dungeon and level up till 140 there
that would be easy with Blessing Beads 80% + Server Float Rates
level 140 - 160
You can now do Leveling at Pontus Ferrum.....
The best Spot for Exp is Here..
Or you can do the Marquinas Outpost DG but you cant do it alone you need a party to survive.. even using Starter Set would do good ...
But Ithink Force Shielder, Warrior, and Force Archer classes can survive alone
WIth Healling Skills and High Defense.
Level 155 - 180
You can do Hazardous valley Hard, with Blessing beads 80%.
Level 180 - 200
Party Players for Abandoned City and go level up
or you can Do Senillenea Mobs for leveling
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