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Refused Low Crit Rate

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Would like to suggest to bring back rate on set effect coz the class that dont have rate buff are getting hard time to make up the rate its too low ATM and the rate now is not good for farming specially for newbies
Its normal on , official class like fa , wiz should have rate slot at weapon or helm , thats why they make helm that got cr option dude . And cr is advantage to fb and fs . Its better this way .

The reason we removed the Critical Increase Rate in the set effect is that it is one of the reason why there is imbalances in the server. Providing CRI in set effects gives more advantage to classes like WA and WI. It may not seem like it but these classes have the highest base attack so if they do not compensate in losing some stats such as CDI in their weapons in order to put CRI, when they land a critical strike, they hit much harder which in turn cause imbalance in PvP.

Regarding the PvE, we are still in the progress of updating the server. Right now any changes is still not final. We are overhauling the whole gameplay so that new comers will stay in the server in a longer-term. And then about the mobs and how long you kill them, these will be changed also. It is just taking us some time to apply changes since we are only few in numbers. If you do disagree with some of our changes, we do appreciate a constructive feedback so that we may balance the server further.

Thank you for your kind feedback.

The "problems" is the duration of 60 secs and that it does not have cool down :) We will talk about this also ;)
Would like to suggest to bring back rate on set effect coz the class that dont have rate buff are getting hard time to make up the rate its too low ATM and the rate now is not good for farming specially for newbies

when i started on this server im using limitless as my farming set and limitless dont have cri set effect on it.. so low crit rate doesnt make the farming hard it only make the dungeon long and takes time to complete and it doesnt mean that its hard to farm when low crit rate ..
Tbh rate on set effects was the very last thing making server unbalanced xD (the only class having rate problems was FB since they had a 5% which was pretty much wasted since you couldn't achieve enough mcr to cover the amount of rate,it was among the mighty "being reviewed" threads since a few months np).Wi wa and bl still had to put rate on helms/weaps if they wanted an high rate build while fa fb and fs could stuff themselves with more amp/damage ... anyhow it doesn't look like you'll be changing it back so we have to deal with it meh.
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