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Suggestion Make The War Lively Again

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Veteran Player
As we all know war is dead long time ago after some updates seems like instead of gaining players or attract players its the exact opposite, well as you said recently to point out what is the problem of our war i will list down some of them here.

1. Overwhelming price of end game gears
This is one the problems of war some of the players get overwhelmed and will not even try to reach the end game because on how high its price is chances are they quit rather than getting one.

2. War Gears
I Think what we lack is a okay war set that are AFFORDABLE , Please reconsider this i know some of the players say EINS are enough for war, at some-point i must say yes, but not all players think the same way, some of them want at least set that are near end game as possible, why not make a set that is ALZ FORMULA AGAIN? or in professional crafting let the zwei - palladium be opened instantly so that they can get the gears and be some what confident going to war. But i suggest to remove zwei on crafting let the eins be the first set then second is DREI since no one is using it and make a good use of it or drei as alz formula set either way around it will help new players to have a good start on their journey in our server.

3. Rework or Remove End game gears from WEXP shop
Some what same as number 1 but on a different approach our wexp shop is not that appealing another problem of our server, other servers have crap wexp shop but still many players go to war simply because they process their gears outside of war NOT INSIDE this is i think the major problem of our war now, let me compare our old war times back when palladium gears are the end game gears that time players tend to go war more frequently, Compared to now, Endgame Gears on WEXP is not appealing and not its proper place, if you guys are worrying about removing Endgame set on WEXP and be very easy for the players to get it, simple solution to that is make the craft requirements higher! its more appealing to all the players getting their gears outside of war because others don't go war if they are not confident on their gear, IN MY OPINION WAR IS FOR PK-YING, TESTING YOUR SET, BUILD, SKILLS AND NOT FOR FARMING WEXP, WAR NOW IS GARBAGE I'M JUST BEING HONEST.

Note! that none of this statements are just to bash you people on the staff because of how bad our war system is take this in a constructive approach to improve our system. like i said on our OGN Discord Chat our server is the MOST UPDATED SERVER, i hope we fix this issue so that we can get to top again and make a good use of our great in game mechanics,

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Every different step is a GAMBLE but it is way better than just leaving things same as now because the result will not change people will not be appealed to go war
"But i suggest to remove zwei on crafting let the eins be the first set then second is DREI since no one is using it and make a good use of it or drei as alz formula set either way around it will help new players to have a good start on their journey in our server."

How bout 159 mwar? smh
Well they can change the lvl requirement of it? as easy as that?
"But i suggest to remove zwei on crafting let the eins be the first set then second is DREI since no one is using it and make a good use of it or drei as alz formula set either way around it will help new players to have a good start on their journey in our server."

How bout 159 mwar? smh
I agree w/ this suggestions. If only the mission war in this server would be improved and more convenient both to the newbies and old ones, we could attract more players.

My personal feedback regarding w/ the war changes after the update :
1. Legacy weapon is "broken" :D . Why ? It's the reason why demonite weapons w/ full amp stats will lose their value right now since legacy weapon have all (and better stats than demonite) needed in both pushing and pk-ing in war. I already tested the difference between these two, they almost give the same dmg output when ur skill will not crit but legacy weapon will give almost 40% more crit dmg output than demonite. Also it would be unfair for those players who invested to craft/buy demonite weapons since the ones who don't have them yet will resort in using legacy and thus will have better contribution in war.
2. I also suggest to rework the bringer title to a better one also if it's possible to guardian titles w/ appropriate stats for war.
3. Please do more frequent war events , let's say once per week or once per two weeks . The frequency of war events made will also attract more players to go war and the staff can decide on what possible rewards will be given to both nations :)
I think there is a problem elsewhere. This problem is the low turnout of players who play every day.
Since the server is really solid, stable and the most made for a global server, why do not new players appear? Maybe it's also a lack of advertising, incentives on advertising sites.Low turnout in the war is also the reason for low attendance on the server. The war event brings about 30 players in one war. Why is not a weekly Saturday war event done?

A few days ago I came across youtube stream from a Brazilian private server. You will not believe what I saw.

We are worldwide server and we have less players than Brasil private server.
Check what I saw:
-New Dng (acheron arena)
-mazel ring ( i dont know if they have FT3)
- "new achievement" ( arcane boss achievement, i dont know if they have other "new" achievements)
- new titles
Hold on to the chair because you will fall:

WAR ~50v50, 100 players in same time at WAR! Private server. WOW
It was not advertising, just ordinary stream.

What they have, what we do not have, there is such a big difference in the players in the war?
The point is to do something different out of the box not just change a little of the recent, because the results are always exactly the same no appeal to players, thats why i suggest for a change maybe this is the first step, little by little.
i will be honest. i really like this server.
But, TG ist the most important and enjoyable thing in this game for me. But it's obviously only enjoyable if there are alot of players...
So atm i'm thinking about coming back to cabal. but i'm not sure if i should come back to OGN or to another server where war is alive.
i would really like to come back on OGN but with this low amount of players on war i have my bad thoughts about changing to another server..

Add a set formula card in v-coin shop that way players now will have a choice to get set by voting, account bind formula / account bind after crafted, to avoid abuse. Its up to you guys what set it is, this is a good way for players promote the server more and get items in return just like a give and take process. Hope this helps :)
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