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Suggestion Nerf FT3

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Professional Enchanter
Like what the title said, ft3 needs a nerf. Dungeon needed 6 "GOOD GEARED" ppl and needs 45-60mins to finish. These days it is hard to find a pt to farm for ring, why? Players don't want to go anymore cos of low drop rate of ring and inconsistent or trash loots of the dungeon with this kind of difficulty. My suggestion will focus on making FT3 doable with on maybe 4-5 goodgeared ppl. Don't decrease monsters/bosses atk to make it impossible to solo. But decrease the monster/bosses HP or DEF.
Make party hunting great again!
Let me add this, Saw a video of a full end game geared party who run FT3 on "OFFICIAL SERVER" (EU) and they finished the dungeon within 25-30mins.
Let me add this, Saw a video of a full end game geared party who run FT3 on "OFFICIAL SERVER" (EU) and they finished the dungeon within 25-30mins.
vid is missing :D also you can't compare eu to ogn at all :P
I have nothing against w/ FT3 nerfing ( if possible ) however the current difficulty seems okay to me. The only problems imo were from the players' side ( good party mixup, good cooperation, avoiding errors like dying - not using povs, odd circles, etc ).
Also, it's also possible to finish this dg within 30mins or less even if you have 1-2 "average" players in your team :)
I have nothing against w/ FT3 nerfing ( if possible ) however the current difficulty seems okay to me. The only problems imo were from the players' side ( good party mixup, good cooperation, avoiding errors like dying - not using povs, odd circles, etc ).
Also, it's also possible to finish this dg within 30mins or less even if you have 1-2 "average" players in your team :)
i wouldn't have a problem with it's difficutly too, if we would have more players active on our server.
but it's so hard to build a party. for example, yesterday it took us about 20min to create a party and even after 20 min we were only 5 people and needed 45 min to finish it.

if we had daily 200 people online and we could create a 7 man party within 5 min, i wouldn't see a problem - but for now with 60-70 people online it's too hard to create a party and for now we need a nerf in my point of view.
I wrote about it a long time ago. The answer was that they would not do it. He writes as a player who has a mazel ring.
I do not mind a difficult dungeon.The problem is finding the right players. Which is more difficult than the sow itself.
What's the problem? Lower def / hp bosses for lower chances of finding a ring.
You have made a new dungeon that is not "spammed".I wonder why I already wrote about it, we got the answer.(not for nerf) But still players want NERF FT3!
Why don't you agree with the opinion of the players? Are you playing on this server or we?
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