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Fixed New character buff.

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Pirate King
Dec 2, 2014
Foosha Village
I hope you guys consider adding these new buff to our server, other server already got this buff and it would be "AWESOME" if we can have it on our server too. I'm 100% positive that it will bring more players in our server. I can't find the new buff for WA and BL but AFAIK they call it Art of shout for WA and Natural Hiding for BL. Cykros and Ergo I just hope you guys will consider adding these stuff in our server. Thanks! :smoke:
show me a server which got it.
and blader has natural hiding since the release of cabal you genius. it just got improved, same as intuition.
WA got a new party buff; art of shout: 10 sw amp 10 m amp
show me a server which got it.
and blader has natural hiding since the release of cabal you genius. it just got improved, same as intuition.
WA got a new party buff; art of shout: 10 sw amp 10 m amp
Go and find it by yourself :p

Oh, so natural hiding is already an old buff my bad :p As for art of shout, yes it does gives SSA and MSA but looks like you are 100% sure about the amount of given amp. Because I checked it on other place and they got different amount of amp. So that's it! :D

Buffs that have option that are in cabal now too we can add.
So we will add all we can.

Thanks Cykros ;)
Thank you Mr. Cykros!! I would love to see Redemption look very much like Episode X: Rising Force, compared to other servers, if we have these buffs. :applausetiger::applausetiger:
I can't find the new buff for WA and BL but AFAIK they call it Art of shout for WA and Natural Hiding for BL.
Thank you for suggesting the new buffs!!! :applausetiger:But the new buff effect of Blader is Intuition, with 100% Miss or COMPLETE EVADE. Hopefully, the stats we're also close to official server stats as: Spirit Shield of Wizards have DMG Absorb of 3000, Magic Control is a passive skill with Magic attack of +88.Quick move is +8000 Evasion/Flee rate, I guess, Reflex Shield is 50% Damage Reflect, Art of Curse(ahhh. I forgot the stats of AoC, hehehe :laughing:) and Astral Enchant is a passive special skill giviong out +16% Critical rate and 20% Critical Damage, I guess.(If these we're implemented, it would also be possible that all the stats will be raised into Episode X stats) I don't know how will they do it, but I am looking forward to the better Redemption when all of these we're implemented :heart:
Buffs arent impossible in this server
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