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Feedback Observation

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Jan 20, 2015
FB are the most dominating class in this server in terms of PVP and TG war. HIGH crit rate and thus maximizing all amp items. One word, GODLY.
I keep on wondering, how about WA, FS and BL, are they going to be extinct soon?

FA BM2 have a very shameful damage power.


WI, best suited for TG war with its high damage output plus hit and run strategy.

BL, it looks cool and no decent advantage over other classes except for FLEE. :)

WA, not many plays this class due to it turned out to be a big silly joke. FB dominates WA in all aspects. Good DEF in TG but mediocre damage so whats the use - its just a plain garbage. $/-/!+@#@#*

FS, its only just a so so.
i don't play atm but fs is surely same like fb and fa/wi still dominate for sure.
I agree with you. I played 5 classes in this game and the current leading class for now is FB, WI,FA. Hopefully we GMs and the admins would be able to work on a solution on how to rebalance the game. Happy gaming.
The reason why you think FB is dominant is because you can't play around it and against it. The reason why BM2 deals negative dmg here is simple: ep8 isnn't ment to have characters with 3.5k+ def. I will write a seperate thread explaining WHY BM2 is useless in PvP in general and why it CANNOT be fixed so people stop crying about it!
Haha funny the most dominating class in pvp is for sure FS no FB coz has the highest dmg if crit he kills anyone in 2 shots
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