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Fixed OGN's Loyal Players

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Jul 4, 2015
We loyal players got extremely bored ingame. Event is once a month, Nwar is flop, we cant find a reason why admins are ignoring us. Dont forget when the time OGN suffers from less population it is we loyal players that never leaves the server, we helped promote, suggest and report existing bugs. everything. It is be like Loyal Players + Cykros VS. All Cabal Pservers!!

after reading this i feel theres a chance..
we know about the Event suggestion of DIGS, but it have been posted in the wrong section and not the one for suggestions. which means, Admins are focused on the fixes and suggestions/feedback threads, if it had been posted in the suggestion section pretty much it would be reviewed by one of them.

Since the topic starter quits, im going to repost his great pvp suggestion..

think big. this is not only for loyal players but for future players/donators. if they knew we have this kind of event here, they'll think theres a BIG challenge and great fun in this server..

credits to mr. DIGS
i'll bring this to the admins attention and see what we can do about this, again i cant stress enough that what digs planned was great but making class specific pvp events as of now is not such a good idea since we'll barely see each class make it to the kings/queens event, we need more population first, so i was thinking helding a pvp event just like the 1 earlier with a different rule set, and allow the 6 top people to continue to the kings/queens pvp event.
ignoring loyal/elite players is a bad idea
despite of all my badmouthing, im a Loyal player too!!

i'll bring this to the admins attention and see what we can do about this, again i cant stress enough that what digs planned was great but making class specific pvp events as of now is not such a good idea

if theres an specific class pvp events, im going to donate again for each class' gears. imagine how many players thinks the way i do lol
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ignoring loyal/elite players is a bad idea
despite of all my badmouthing, im a Loyal player too!!

if theres an specific class pvp events, im going to donate again for each class' gears. imagine how many players thinks the way i do lol
That's true, players do love PvP events a lot but you can never say they will donate like you will do.
Besides that, we already do have some ideas but as Dehnfeld said the server have to be more populated to be able to do class specific ones but do not worry, we will still plan on doing PvP events as aswell events for the non-donators :)

And in the future there might be a chance on doing class specific ones aswell.
That's true, players do love PvP events a lot but you can never say they will donate like you will do.
Besides that, we already do have some ideas but as Dehnfeld said the server have to be more populated to be able to do class specific ones but do not worry, we will still plan on doing PvP events as aswell events for the non-donators :)

And in the future there might be a chance on doing class specific ones aswell.

Noctis and Dehnfeld will all due respect stop dreaming of a bigger population for ogn, we all knew 90% of EGA players are in Nemaja's server. whats left here is 5-10%, true we are having new donators but im wondering how much they donated, for example iTank .. last time i saw he wears arch items and still dont have resists items. i hit opdps(iTank's ign) like 3 hits and he died fast, same goes to ricu , imo they just donated for the donator tags lol
Noctis will all due respect stop dreaming of a bigger population for ogn, we all knew 90% of EGA players are in Nemaja's server. whats left here is 5-10%, true we are having new donators but im wondering how much they donated, for example iTank .. last time i saw he wears arch items and still dont have resists items. i hit opdps(iTank's ign) like 3 hits and he died fast, same goes to ricu , imo they just donated for the donator tags lol
Donators are free to donate for whatever they want, despite that i am not dreaming of having a bigger population, i am trying to.

I will not mention any other servers in here as the players are free to go where they want to, but i am trying to bring new players either they are ex-players or new players back to OGN to have a fun time, this is by hosting events.

In that way i will have to adjust some parts of the Event DIGS suggested because of the population of this server it's not a good idea to do class specific events, not because i don't want it or because i am against you guys. because there will be spots left empty, by trying to increase the server population by doing normal PvP Events mixed with the ideas of this one, we might be able to bring some fun ingame and increase the population to host this event.

It's not about the population of this server, it's about the event you reposted and suggested. ;)
That's true, players do love PvP events a lot but you can never say they will donate like you will do.
Besides that, we already do have some ideas but as Dehnfeld said the server have to be more populated to be able to do class specific ones

And in the future there might be a chance on doing class specific ones aswell.

in the future??
last time i checked OGN wiped the server database that is ON for 2 years, waiting for so called "Hp UPdate"

and now "in the future" again lawl
and this is the same person that fooled us for the hp update --------> Dehnfeld

pls close this thread now, thanks
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Will be using this thread for event suggestions, and in the future there are no intentions in wiping the server again.

Dehnfeld was not responsible for that, please do not accuse him for that.

Besides that they had to wipe the server for reasons which we're explained in the past.
Will be using this thread for event suggestions, and in the future there are no intentions in wiping the server again.

They had to wipe the server for reasons which we're explained in the past.
you should make a thread of your own
cant you see i started this thread and im asking you to close it with a thank you:snooze:
Thread closed.
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