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Fixed Please help..

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Please use the format below and make sure you include the required information.

Required Information:
  • Date - The date (server time) the bug occurred. Include as accurate info as possible.
  • Description - Describe the bug as accurate as possible. Include information such as what you were doing that could trigger the bug.
  • Screenshot/Video- Screenshots about the bug are required but if possible you can include a video for easier investigation.

Format (Complete the form below):
  • Character - OneManZerg
  • Date - June 28 2018 6:58 server time
  • Description - i bought this from auction hall..wanting a good crystal costume for my FA..but when i try to open it..i always get dc on server..
  • Screenshot/Video -

Failing to follow the format will result in your report being instantly ignored and deleted!
Good day please send me the bugged item and i will replaced it with a working one..

Send it to
In game name
Ok, can you go in channel 10 try to open the box once and then reply me here the character name and what time was it on server when you did it.
I will check the logs to see exactly what is going on.
Did you sell this item in Auction House?
There is a player who claims that he bought it from you and said that it wasn't working. I replaced his gift box with a working one.
I just want to know if you sold the item so the thread can be closed.
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