Sometimes people done that dungeon quest , and you need to wait for other party . Last time , there is no dungeon quest etc , farming , war is the way you reach palladium . Still they add the dungeon quest is just to boost the unique gain . I think the quest were at b3f is for a reason to prevent newbies abuse it . You should be grateful there is dungeon quest to compare last time , you need more than 100 runs dungeon to make fast palladium set . You want do a lot of runs you need to be alert , there's no party that will be do it for 24/8 , or just wait u to come back from AFK . You want more , you need to work more . Sometimes we human just can't feel enough , always want some more ....
P.S I know your in game name , people ask many time even wait for all ready to go , but you were not responding and do other dungeon . We did 4 runs straight and you miss all of them cause do ca 6 which you can solo later , not even get ready for next run , so don't blame people or call them lazy ...