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Feedback Premium gold access special inventory feedback


Apr 9, 2019
good day everyone this thread is a feedback about players wanting to know the premium gold service.

first is i like the way they gave usable items like PUK perfect chaos box, medal ang LEs
every 5 to 10mins this service gave usable items when every you do afk or hunting doing war and much more .
advantage when you avail this is the percentage of drop rate and other usual premium service have and also the puks and AP with 700 filled that drops on the special inventory and much more from the list given by excaloise in discord.
you can also farm all of items that in the special inventory using your different chars AP is such help specially for low bracket chars.

is all items is char bind noted this is how the system works even in official.
also items disappeared when you log out for much more 1hr on your char even you change char it can result to unwanted resets and make your items disappeare
make sure you used all the items you need to use before you log out or you change char or else you will lose all of it.

also after reaching 1450min its the max min you can achieve in the premium timer will stop and you need to reset it by doing change char for 1hr or maybe log out ingame for more than 1hr but be noted to use all items you need to use.

another one is the LE and medal by completing 1450mins you'll get 5PCs lightning element and 1 medal of honor but in the end after reset it will disappeared so make sure to use it before it go bye bye ^^

things that need to improve
i suggest
make the timer not to stop even reaching 1450mins of count make it count again back to 1 so that we can focus on 1 char to gain items we desire on the drop list.
and please make LE and medal of honor not to disappear since its a core items and 1medal and 5 le cant do more to craft anything
and for the scrolls please gave more like on resist and cdi for bikes and make it like all ultimate scrolls.
i mean we pay for a good investment so please hear us ^^
and also and make items more usable than hp lvl 4 pots haha or any goodies
i mean like this system is not for free we pay to avail so please make it more satisfiying that player will come and pay for the servie
i suggest put BB in the drop list too instead of that goodluck poition and other not so usable items

i repeat we pay for the system so we deserve a proper ROI( return of Investments )

this is one of your beta tester of premium ^^ hoping for your attention thank you
I agree with what he said. There are great stuff you get with the special inv, but it goes to waste once you log out. The LE, medal of honor, divine fragments these items, you won't be able to use right away. Like you need to farm or buy other stuff for you to use it.

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