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Reason for update delay

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
I want to inform you all why the update is not yet released.

My girl got a good deal last week and she is now opening a beauty saloon. Due to limited funds me and my father are working on it to prepare it. As much as I wanted to work on the update also this week we always finished the work later in the evening (9:00 PM or later) so I had no energy left to work on the update also.

The update will come with the craft changes, destroy and drops as I promised I am just asking to have a bit more patience.

Thank you for understanding.

Boss it's ok, familly first, i wish you the best luck on that beauty saloon, thumbs up for the entrepreneurial spirit of your GF, best wishes.
I just wanna ask on the equi items that I destroyed which is the set and 2 orbs will that be enough to craft a new whole set for the next update
Hi you guys,
Can you guys give us any idea about date as we all expecting that new update..
Is there any estimation or clue when the next update gonna hit the door? I wanna maximize the usage of my eins weapon. I don't wanna miss extracting my weapon cause it will be wastefull.
come on guys, give us a date for new update
Last night I finished the work on the saloon, now its left just papers which my girl does not need me for it.
I am back to work 100%.
Update will be made on Friday, 26 July.
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