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Fixed Removing Holy Water of Speed in tg

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Aug 11, 2015
I'm suggesting to remove holy water of speed from tg or atleast set a 60 sec cooldown on it since it overpoweres Fa class and makes Wi with his blink useless
This is really true. Its totally unfair having this potion in TG. I see a few reasons why this needs to be removed in TG or just increased the cool down time for at least 40secs.

1. FA's really can take advantage of this potion with their long range attacks and low casting skills like lances which most FA's use. (probably because i have an FA too).
2. Totally unfair for players who doesn't have a decent gear because it makes them an easy kill. And yes, totally they won't enjoy it. I know how it feels to be beaten down to pulp with people which are fully geared and you can't even run because of that Speed potion.
3. It makes the game boring. It just loses the thrill of dashing and fading in game. There's a huge gap between people who have and don't have this Speed potion. I hope you will see my point of view. Thanks.
Why u want make a deferent with fa and other class?. Each class have they own special attack.. And how u use the speed potion in normal channels if u removed it from tg?
i suggest that you creat FA or wizzard character and use speed potion in tg ,,,,,,,,,, lol ....... so that you can run also like flash..... hahahahahahha.
Why u want make a deferent with fa and other class?. Each class have they own special attack.. And how u use the speed potion in normal channels if u removed it from tg?
TG Channel is actually called Channel 15 so it's all seperated from the normal channels, you will still be able to use them as usual.
TG Channel is actually called Channel 15 so it's all seperated from the normal channels, you will still be able to use them as usual.
I know but for what use that at normal chnl. Running around base. Even PvP also not use that.
Wow, looks like i know the person who is fuming on TG yesterday and rage quits or at least who thought about it. He is not a WI, but rather a FA.
Nwei, it is part of the game so why to be removed. It was made for TG and nobody use it in other places coz its expensive. Besides, for WI they can catch up so easily even with a player using holy water with their blink, that is if u know how to use it. I know some good WIs who knows to pilot very well and they always there for the kill. Holy water is most advantageous also to melees with BMs.

Peace.. ;)
Im ok with Holy Water Of Speed in TG. its just that it must have a cooldown time.. like 30 seconds
Holy water of speed gives a huge advantage on all types of characters. Specially with melee,because FA and wiz attack with range and to get closer you need holy water to do it. Having a melee class on BM with holy water is a huge advantage already. Unfortunately some players don't know how to use them or can't afford it, me as a FA and melee class user this specific item that gives advantage to any of the class. Just learn how to use it and you'll see the advantage of it.
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And we cant limit the usage of an specific item in TG, it simply doesn't work like that.
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