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Fixed schedule maintenance time

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I'm writing because I have faced a not professional and failure moderation of the server.

Here's what happened: in the middle of mission war staff member announced that there will be a server restart in 15min, its 15min before war end. At the set time server went down for restart and didn't comeback until I write this post, in addition to this the game .exe file became corrupt.

So my suggestion is for stuff to better plan restarts and maintenances, warning about them few hours ahead and do in proper time not during mission war time. Since what admin noted in fix notes
was not important to do at mission war time

Due to lost mission war reward I demand a compensation and hope such problems will not occur again.
If we decided to do a restart so fast its because it was important.
And to solve this problem of having the mission war so often online maybe we will reduce the mission war schedules, what do you say or demand now?
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