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Scheduled update


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
On Tuesday 14-December-2021 we will stop our server and we will put the website in maintenance to prepare the release of the update
Rebirth of Nevareth that will include the Gladiator and Force Gunner classes.

We will keep you update more on discord.
And what is with the Darkmage?
Later because there is a hardcoded part we need to increase to be able to load all the skills we need for DM the same way we load them for the FG and GL, totally new skills and not visual closes as the other servers do with that dual client crap :D
only gl will have his new own weapon type(chakrams), but fg will be using orbs/crystals if im not wrong :3
I tried other servers and FG has their own weapon type but I know FG uses Orbs/Xtal just not sure if they will do it on this server...
On Tuesday 14-December-2021 we will stop our server and we will put the website in maintenance to prepare the release of the update
Rebirth of Nevareth that will include the Gladiator and Force Gunner classes.

We will keep you update more on discord.
..are you planning also to add more slot for for creation of new character.?..since you only have 6 slot max for chracter..
..are you planning also to add more slot for for creation of new character.?..since you only have 6 slot max for chracter..
No, if im not mistaken he wont add more slots for character creation.

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